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Anyone Remember Or Used To Be A Member Of Ougtibridge Club ?


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I know Jim beardow very well! Via my poor dad, He knew my dad for over 30 yrs and yet when he was diagnosed with cancer, after running beasham asphalt for him single handed he treat him like s**t, My dad thought the world of Jim and would never have a bad word said about it but with time and seeing how he treat him once he was ill and couldnt run his business for him my dad realised what he was like and so have alot of blokes in the roofing trade, His poor wife Mary was an alcoholic but who could blame her, the life she had with him, I could tell a hundred stories of what the so called "good bloke" Jim did but i wont lower myself to his level, But if anyone does see him can you just let him know that Cliff was very hurt by his actions and when he died he knew what he was really like and it was his wishes that Jim didnt attend his funeral, And i repeat what i said to Jim on the day of the funeral when he turned up knowing he wasnt wanted. I Still wish it was you in the box and not my dad!



Well we know all know different don't we. He was visited regulary by Jim in hospital before visiting hours, me too. He told him things you would not believe about his own family. His own daughter stole his holiday money out of the money box, he never slept with his wife for years, and ask why he never wanted to come home always wanting to work away. So crawl back where you came from your the scum of the earth.

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Well we know all know different don't we. He was visited regulary by Jim in hospital before visiting hours, me too. He told him things you would not believe about his own family. His own daughter stole his holiday money out of the money box, he never slept with his wife for years, and ask why he never wanted to come home always wanting to work away. So crawl back where you came from your the scum of the earth.


Whatever, You believe what you want to :)

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"Bluevan" Grow up please and if you have any comments to make then open an account and do so in your own name, Stop using my s**t for your gripes! Ffs its been nearly 7 yrs, let things go, I couldnt care less about owt aslong as me and my family are ok :)

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Well we know all know different don't we. He was visited regulary by Jim in hospital before visiting hours, me too. He told him things you would not believe about his own family. His own daughter stole his holiday money out of the money box, he never slept with his wife for years, and ask why he never wanted to come home always wanting to work away. So crawl back where you came from your the scum of the earth.


Im sorry but this is eating at me lol, I know you shouldnt speak ill of the dead but id like to clear this up, I am his daughter, Im probably the one which he said stole his "holiday" money, Firstly is was £20 and i was made to pay it back and secondly he never took us on holiday, it was mam or granddad for day trips, Dad liked his drink more than his family and ask yourself this.... If life was that bad at home why didnt he leave? My mother told him enough times to go but he wouldnt, she even kicked him out before i was born and my sister was only little and he came crawling back, My mum, me and my sister struggled for money constantly, my dad never bought me a winter coat ever!! and all this while he went to the pub everyday, Im not here to bitch Jimmy or rake up the past but i wont have anything said about my mum, she had several jobs so she could look after us, Ya know he gave my mum £100 a week to pay everything and the rest of his wage was his, You ask Jimmy he'll know what he was earning, and out of that £100 my mum had to pay the rent,gas,elec,food shopping,school dinners,insurance everything! And no she didnt sleep with him because she knew full well he was cheating on her, He used our home as a hotel, He didnt spend time with any of us, He showed more love and affection to the family dogs than he did his own daughters, I can remember growing up hearing arguements because i needed new shoes or a coat and him saying he didnt have any money, Liar, he was on a good wage, and you say why didnt he want to come home?? I dont know all i ever wanted was a proper dad to spend time with me and be interested in me and love me but i never got that, Ya know my dad never hugged or kissed me? or said he loved me? So again i say if life at home with us was that bad then he could have left, my mum told him to enough times. I knew he wasnt a good dad but its only when you grow up and have children of your own and see what your partner is like as a dad you realise just how bad he was, Ya know he used to wait in his bedroom until id gone to work so he didnt have to give me a lift to town, I was 16, it was a 20 min walk across a field and under the "mugging tunnel" to the bus stop, it wasnt a nice area but he didnt care aslong as he didnt have to drop me off ( 5 mins out of his way) and this was at 6am in the pitch black in the winter he didnt care if i was safe or not, I remember i rang him from town one night (9pm ish) i was 14, id been to the pictures and had my bag pinched with my bus fare in it, I rang him scared and with no bus fare to get home and he said he had no diesel!!! He left me to walk home, took me over an hour, when i got home he was in bed! Who does that to their daughter? So although i dont doubt he was a lovely friend/bloke to you, to his family he was very different, I feel sorry for my mum, shes a loving selfless woman who gave everything she could to us and more than made up for having a crap dad, who is now left with nothing, widowed at 49 and nothing to show for it cos after he worked for 35 yrs he had ****** it all away

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Another thing thats just come to mind....... We grew up in shalesmoor, no garden , is was a house over a shop surrounded by factories, Because it was cheap and near the pubs he frequented, I refer to it as the "ghetto" It was cold and horrid and there was no where for us to play or no other children, My bedroom was freezing and full of damp, the wall used to run with water because it was that damp and be black and mouldy, I always had a cold and my bedding used to feel wet it was that cold, one night i was ill and got in my parents bed, Dad decided he wanted more room so he went and got in my bed, the morning after he did nothing but moan and said he was cold and freezing all night and he was never sleeping in there again and yet the same night he knew i was going back in that bed, still ill, laid in a cold damp bed!! Who does that to their child?? Honestly? no one would i was only little, I was 15 when we left that house, any loving responsible father would have moved us out of there, and dont forget he was a roofer, on good money and he used to work the weekends on the fiddle, School was a 30 min walk away, my mum used to walk to fetch us, he used to wait till 3 pm before he would go home to make sure my mum had set off and he didnt have to pick us up, My mum couldnt drive at the time, and i know people will be thinking well why didnt she leave, well she may have struggled with him but she would have been hell of a lot worse off financially if she did leave, 2 kids in the 70's as a single parent, wasnt as easy as it is now, I could go on and on with "horror" stories on what my dad did but i wont. The point being whatever went off in the past dad was far from perfect

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