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What's the nicest thing anyone has done for you?

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Has anyone done something exceptionally nice for you?


I remember moving into my new flat which was in rather poor condition. The loo was disgusting but my sister set to without a word and got it sparkling clean. I know she's my sister but that was a pretty marvellous thing to do (you had to see that loo to understand)

nicest thing anyone ever did for me was a stranger to me and what he did i find so touching even after 7 years i still get a lump in my throat just to think theres people willing to sacrafice themselfs for others so selfless really was he ran with my ex that must have took courage beyond what could be expected of anyone god bless yo mate

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The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me has nothing to do with monetary or material things. The nicest thing anyone has done for me is when my good friend of 4 years told me that I'm the most real, most level, realistic friend he has ever had, and that he trusts me with anything, due to the fact that I've always been as described.

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Many years ago me and my boyfriend came home late from work to find a fire engine at the end of our cul-de-sac and a crowd of people gathered round. On getting out of the van to find out what was going on we were told it was our flat on fire- a couple who lived at the other end, who we had never spoken to even, came over and said they were going away for a week and gave us the keys to their flat and said just make yourself at home :) we became good friends after that.

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I've often found that strangers are amazingly kind and helpful too. :)

Of course, I've been s**t on plenty too, lol, but when strangers help out, it's for no other reason than they are really lovely people. They don't know me, so have no reason to bend over backwards to help, other than they want to. :)

I thank God every day for people like that!

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Originally Posted by salts View Post

When my wife said 'I do' and our married wonderful life started....Every now and Again she lets me give her a necklace to say thank you!



Thats just put me right off my scrambled egg.


My first thought was are they pearl :roll:

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