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Publishing a book of short stories


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I read that article, which is baffling, as it's one of the top writing myths debunked.


Basically, you can send something to yourself, but if someone stole your idea, it would never stand up in court.


A case in point, the huge Harry Potter rip off case. The writer provided sealed documentation she had provided that she had 'sent' to herself which proved her novels were written first and that Rowling had stolen her idea.


Yet it was later proven, from finding rare first editions of her books, that the whole thing was a complete fraud - despite the whole stamped envelope thing.

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The whole "poor man's copyright" thing--posting work back to yourself--has never once stood up in Court as far as I'm aware.


There really is no need to register or protect your work in this way. Publishing professionals are not interested in stealing your work; if they think it's good enough to publish then they'll want to sign you up, not rip you off.

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I wrote an article on my blog about this very same subject (writing about friends and family, not copyright). Basically, if you've been explicit to the point where the people concerned will recognise themselves, name changes or not, then you have one simple choice: leave it in the vault or face the consequences.


There are ways of writing around things like this (as stated earlier in the thread), but if it's as obvious as you say, I don't see what you can do. My advice would be to have a think about how much those people mean to you and decide if it's worth it or not. If you decide it is, the next step for me would be to tell them what your plan is.


My article, if you're interested: http://writeforyourlife.net/how-to-write-about-your-life-without-upsetting-friends-and-family

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