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Training for London marathon

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Originally posted by MTheo

dont bother with decatahlon.....get to a specialist runners shop...keep on running in attercliffe and tell them what you plan to do and they will give you advice and best shoes for what you will do.


i mean...wud u go to argos to buy a amp for ur guitar? ;) i think not


well I still need to go to Decathlon and get some weights, and Decathlon aren't that bad, its not like they're like JJB or Sugg Sports or whatever they are a proper sports shop... but I might try that store out, if I can find it... lol


Originally posted by Fareast

With all the agony running involves to legs and feet and all the time it takes up , surely it'd be better to have a brisk walk to the pub and back ------and maybe eat less.


erm... cus I'm not doing this to loose weight? if you read my post you'd see I'm doing it to get fitter and to raise some money for charity!


anyways, I got up at 7am! :o but sodding hell is today not THE worst day ever for weather? its freezing outside and really wet... it's SO making me think I'll try again tomorrow... lol

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Hi, just a quick note. The two runs that you've opt to run are usually over subscribed so you have to be pretty lucky to get a place. I know the Great North Run usually closes it's application process months in advance of the race and I think that may have already passed for this year's run. As for FLM, there is a ballot system in place and you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting a place unless you get a golden bond place which means raising shed loads for charity. Don't this put you off if you really want to run, but I just thought I'd tell you that it can be a right pain to get on these runs. Have you thought about doing alternative running events instead? There are loads of other half marathons and some pretty good marathons out there!!


I have run 3 half marathons all of which were really hard going, but that was down to my lack of experience and not pacing myself correctly. I'd suggest joining a running club as you will always have people to run with and you will have all the technical support you could possibly need.


Whatever you decide I wish you luck and hope the training goes well. I'm toying with the idea of running FLM and if you want to run as a team then let me know.





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Hi, just a quick note. The two runs that you've opt to run are usually over subscribed so you have to be pretty lucky to get a place. I know the Great North Run usually closes it's application process months in advance of the race and I think that may have already passed for this year's run. As for FLM, there is a ballot system in place and you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting a place unless you get a golden bond place which means raising shed loads for charity. Don't this put you off if you really want to run, but I just thought I'd tell you that it can be a right pain to get on these runs. Have you thought about doing alternative running events instead? There are loads of other half marathons and some pretty good marathons out there!!


I have run 3 half marathons all of which were really hard going, but that was down to my lack of experience and not pacing myself correctly. I'd suggest joining a running club as you will always have people to run with and you will have all the technical support you could possibly need.


Whatever you decide I wish you luck and hope the training goes well.





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Just wanted to say best of luck to you...I have huge respect for people who run the marathon, especially when running for charity. :)


Just wanted to reiterate what others have said though, whatever you do don't overdo it. I used to run middle distance for county and was training every day. I have knackered my knees so much that it hurts to be on my feet for my than a few hours so I would suggest getting the advice of a properly qualified gym instructor or personal trainer before embarking on any major fitness plan. Running on concrete places a massive strain on your joints and it shouldn't be done every day. I will have to have surgery on my knees eventually so please don't overdo it!


But anyway, like I said best of luck, hope it goes really well and if you need sponsoring next year I for one will definitely be behind you!! ;)

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This isn't a suggestion, more of a query, but let's say you're reasonably fit, no specific training but have been fairly active and about 6 footish tall and i don't know, between about 18 and 45....


You can run 1km at 12kmph...


If you added 100m every day for a year you'd be doing a marathon in around 3-1/2 hours in 12 monthes time.


Worth a try?



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Hi Xafier

You really need to go to "Keep on Running" at Attercliffe.

You'll get good general advice and your style of running will be analysed so that you get exactly the right shoe.

I'm not a great runner but agree its very good for stamina, weight loss and feeling good.

I'll be running my first half marathon in Sheffield on the 1st of May. Wish I'd trained more than I have though!

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  • 1 year later...

JJB are not so bad. They have a specialist running shoe catalogue at the moment and some knowledgeable staff at the Drakehouse store. Can't fault Keep on Running for advice though.

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