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Daniel Hill school


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Never went to the school but went passed it hundreds of times in the 50's. But were you any of the kids that use to play with there Dinky cars on the hill from the school down to Fox Road.

I don't know if the clay was eroded or if the kids had scraped channels out over the years(think it was both). But tracks were gouged out on the hillside and we ran our Dinky cars down the hillside which must have heen 60 yds long in parts. they didn't just go straight but weaved in and out of each other.


Made me think about it after watching Total emergency on the Beeb last night.

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During, and shortley after the war there were wooden huts built on the bank, alongside the jennel that led from Daniel Hill St. The caretakers name at this time was Holland, two of the sons attended the school.



I went to Daniel Hill school and remember playing on the grass bank next to the school. I can also remeber playing football in the school yard and being chased by the caretaker and his alsation dog. i think we called the caretaker Old Man Riley.
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went to upperthorpe school infants & seniors left 1952. failed 11+ but started own business now retired and the co. is still going not bad for a walkley lad.was a good school head master mr c.cawsey.who was keen on sport,

the clay hill mentioned was known as the tip, kids used to make winter warmers from the clay happy days. any one remember teachers mr INMAN .BICKERSTAFF

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Hi Teedee I was there 56-60 Mr.C.Cawsey was still head Pete Inman was there but I cannot recall Bickerstaff I remember Mr.Hemple "pop" Read Jim Vickers (woodwork) and Mrs.Hurt they were all pretty good with the cane bar pop Read who used a slipper as I recall I speak from regular experience's from them all but it did me no harm and if I had gone home and told my dad i would have received another clip as he would have said you must have being doing something wrong or you would not have been punished HA HA.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I went to Daniel Hill school and remember playing on the grass bank next to the school. I can also remeber playing football in the school yard and being chased by the caretaker and his alsation dog. i think we called the caretaker Old Man Riley.


I was talking today to my sister about the big slide going down the hill in winter

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to Upperthorpe School, left in 1964 when it ceased being a senior school, Mr Cawsey was there and I remember Mrs Hurt and what about Mr Kitchen, Mr Turner, Miss Wilson, Mrs Stockdale. I remember the big slide on the hill it was lethal.I can remember going to cookery with my hat and apron on and having to do the shopping for the ingredients. I can also remember having gardening with Mrs Stockdale and I hated it because I was terrified of worms.

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