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The Old Harrow - White Lane


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I just wondered whether anyone could help as today I heard it was opening but don't know whether it is tonight or tommorow as they have took the fencing down now. And really would love to go to the opening night. If you have heard anything please post, as it does look alot better now with all the new windows and signs.

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Old Harrow officially open this Friday night although they did open their doors last weekend. My mum went in to see what it was like as she has been going there for years. Says it was crap. They have done outside up but inside hasnt been touched, still peeling paint on walls and lot! Crowd hasnt changed either. Rather than taking the effort to make sure it didnt turn the way it had gone before by checking id or having police pressence, the place was crammed with very underaged teenagers ****** and stoned off their heads just as it was before. Its a real shame as this pub is our local and would have loved to have seen it back to its former glory from 20 years ago but sadly it doesnt look like this will happen :-(

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, I would like to add that myself and the manager Jayne do understand your comments re the Old Harrow, we opened Jan and yes the younger generation did enter our doors, and the inside hasnt been decorated, for the past four months we have turned the pub around, no one now gets in without id and we do spot checks every 20 minutes on the younger generation. as for the drugs we have tried to control it and many of them have been asked to leave and not come back. We have entertainment on a thursday evening and saturday evening bands,solo/duo artists.

We want the pub to be a community pub and i think we have done well and now the younger generation seem to have found somewhere else to drink, we do need the community to enter our doors. You will find every pub has its problems and i can assure everyone if you speak to our regulars they will tell you how hard we are trying to turn it around.

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