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The Carling Academy - 'peeking' ???


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Anyone else had this issue? We're all aware the carling bouncers have various issues but they've now taken to perving it some sort of anti drugs rampage.


Walked into the toilet last night (earlish on) bouncer had obviously followed me in, having a wizz and two hands appear on the top of the cubicle and a head appears. I said what the F are you playing at? and he tried to swiftly walk off. I caught him on the way out where I identified him as a bouncer but he wasn't apologetic in the slightest. My mate then came in so I said something like 'watch for a head appearing over the door mate bouncers like having a looksie' to which a bouncer spun round (had obviously followed my mate in) and said 'yeah and we'll be doing it all night' quite aggressively/unpleasantly and walked out.


Is it just me that finds this unacceptable not just that they are pretty much saying you look like a coke head there was no explanation or apology and he topped it off with some unpleasant words. Anyone else had them doing this?

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That's TOTALLY unacceptable!


I understand that they are trying to sort out drugs problems, but that's a serious breach of public decency for all of the customers who use the toilets but who would just rather not be on show for peeping toms whilst quietly having a wee.


Is spying on people whilst in bathrooms not illegal?

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That's TOTALLY unacceptable!


I understand that they are trying to sort out drugs problems, but that's a serious breach of public decency for all of the customers who use the toilets but who would just rather not be on show for peeping toms whilst quietly having a wee.


Glad it's not just me, and by the way they did continue to do it. Why would they not have the common sense to listen before looking? If you can hear sloshing I'm not going to be snorting,peeing, drinking and doing my hair am I.

Reckon a complaint would be a waste of time?


I've had issues with their bouncers before infact they were being arsey on the door too. Fair enough they were doing their job but there were about 6 of us all 18+ and my 19 year old mate showed his leeds university card and they wouldn't let him in. I said to the bouncer 'look you'll wreck our last night out in sheffield can you not just use a bit of discretion he's 19 he has some ID and he's out with 5 other adults' To which he just said 'my discretion is if you look under 21 you need to show a driving license'. Luckily at that point my dozey mate found his license stuck to the back of another card. I know they're doing their job and it's good in a way but we were all obviously of age and we weren't being rude or kicking off we all kept civil.

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I know they're doing their job and it's good in a way but we were all obviously of age and we weren't being rude or kicking off we all kept civil.


"all obviously of age" is not a good defence in a court of law.


i'm going to presume you all don't look over 21, which is the guidelines that most folks working door are instructed to use now.

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"all obviously of age" is not a good defence in a court of law.


i'm going to presume you all don't look over 21, which is the guidelines that most folks working door are instructed to use now.

I know

I know but I would have thought they should be able to read people better. He had genuine identification and we were all of age. I would've said he possibly could look over 21 too. That's not my main gripe though, it is understandable.

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Thats happened to my mate quite a few times at Tuesday Club and I think its disgusting.


Most places these days have the common sense just to have a toilet bowl so that people cant take drugs off the back of the thing.


There do seem to be some issues with the academy doorstaff. I went just before christmas and was refused entry cause I was too drunk. Which was odd, cause I'd come straight from work to meet friends and hadn't even started drinking yet!


I work in a bar myself and know, no matter how sober you are, arguing with doorstaff will always be fruitless. So I rang my mates and we went somewhere that was happy to have me.

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Also I heard that they wont allow in people who have mild strokes since they will sound as if they are drunk ...


most well-trained door people will be able to identify folks afflicted with a palsy or stroke, and not make a hasty decision based on this.


i'm sure if mis-identified, a gentle word with the door person in question should be able to get this issue resolved?

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