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The Carling Academy - 'peeking' ???


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Anyone else had this issue? We're all aware the carling bouncers have various issues but they've now taken to perving it some sort of anti drugs rampage.


Walked into the toilet last night (earlish on) bouncer had obviously followed me in, having a wizz and two hands appear on the top of the cubicle and a head appears. I said what the F are you playing at? and he tried to swiftly walk off. I caught him on the way out where I identified him as a bouncer but he wasn't apologetic in the slightest. My mate then came in so I said something like 'watch for a head appearing over the door mate bouncers like having a looksie' to which a bouncer spun round (had obviously followed my mate in) and said 'yeah and we'll be doing it all night' quite aggressively/unpleasantly and walked out.


Is it just me that finds this unacceptable not just that they are pretty much saying you look like a coke head there was no explanation or apology and he topped it off with some unpleasant words. Anyone else had them doing this?


They probably have loads of people doing Drugs in the Toilets where they think they will be get away with it and so they are being extra cautious I have a Mate who worked their and he says they find several people every night with drugs on them! Don't Take it personally some people just look suspious!

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Yeah I accepted that the first time but after been spoken to like **** and it being repeated I didn;t think was on.


In fairness to carling I've had a pm from someone who works there saying it won't happen again, which I trust it probably won't. No apology or any sort of explanation though....

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Personally, I would make an official complaint and report them to the appropriate authorities. This behaviour, whether policy or not, is unacceptable.


It's run through my mind...but what good would it do? More likely just make things worse for myself if I ever wanted to go back the doormen seem to play by their own rules.

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I've worked clubs before and have checked over the toilet many a time, male only though. Why? Because I've been suspicious of somone doing drugs in said cubicle, and you know what i've been right everytime. I always check under first, you can tell what someone is up to by their feet. If they're sat down with jeans round there ankles then i'm not going to look but if i see two pairs of feet or a suspicious stance then im going to look.... Perfectly justified IMHO as it prevents illegal drugs being taken in the premises. Dont know about carling staff though.

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I've worked clubs before and have checked over the toilet many a time, male only though. Why? Because I've been suspicious of somone doing drugs in said cubicle, and you know what i've been right everytime. I always check under first, you can tell what someone is up to by their feet. If they're sat down with jeans round there ankles then i'm not going to look but if i see two pairs of feet or a suspicious stance then im going to look.... Perfectly justified IMHO as it prevents illegal drugs being taken in the premises. Dont know about carling staff though.


You're right in the situation you describe, checking under and/or listening first. Two people etc. But repeatedly on someone you've already had a good look at's man hose with apologies replaced with an attitude when challenged?


Without good cause; sound of sniffing/2people I disagree with it full stop. If that's even what he was doing - you never know he was wearing a fair bit of leather :hihi:

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a present Showsec employee I can say that we have rules and regulations that govern everything we do within the academy. However what you have described is a misuse of the rules, which is unacceptable. During a normal night we have to deal with a hell of a lot of hassle from overly drunk/ drugged up people creating a safe environment for all within the venue


I have quite a lot of experience of other door supervisors within Sheffield I can tell you that a few examples of unprofessional behaviour should not taint the service Showsec provides.

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