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90's Pirate Radio Stations


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MC Rush!!


Yeah Rhythm & Reality's AM Time show was great. I've got loads of old tapes of SCR, Fantasy FM etc at my parents house. Must dig them out sometime.


yeah was talkin to some old school friends last night and 1st thing that was said was mc rush lol,my mate says he's got loads of there old stuff aswell,think he's gone diggin todat for them!!

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to dig up an old thread...Just stumbled across it while on google.


I was one of those naughty pirates back in the day.

I started as a dj on fantasy fm when i was a boy of 16 years old.

I quickly got in with the then management of the station in order to learn the technology behind pirate radio.

In later years I went on to run a few stations across sheffield with others who shared a similar lifestyle and philosophy.


I remember waking up on those cold nolfolk park mornings and the radio

was the first thing on my mind.By midday i would be dangling from a 15th floor balcony climbing onto the roofs to put up the antenna that was lost to the dti the night before.


I always loved pirates as they played music that was not over commercialized

and in a way this led to a a sort of anarchist philosophy that continued for about 10 years of my life.This and a feeling of community that was obtained

was dare I say a kind of "buzz".But part of this buzz involved breaking the law,which although in an ideal world we would have had the upperhand in the moral argument,we were still criminals in the eyes of the law.


Of course,with age and children came perspective.

This combined with constant dti [now ofcom] busts,Loss of the valuable

nolfolk park tower blocks,and the fast growth of the internet potential for

pirates led to me leaving it behind.


Reading back through this thread I see the old argument that pirates somehow effected emergency services equipment.

This was one of the many myths put forward by legal entitys be they

commercial or student.

Now all though some stations chose to use equipment that "bled" over the

fm spectrum over a small area of the city,Most used quality equipment

that used the correct filtering to avoid this.

scr,fantasy,joy,dance and others all used the same manufacturer of radio equipment in bradford.

This equipment was of very high quality and though much cheaper than the legal alternative,performed just as well if not better.


I decided after leaving fm radio behind that i would go into online radio and tv

first as a pirate but eventially as a legal entity,which spanned 8 stations,2 tv stations and served the whole world not just my home town.

From this i went into the development of applications for online broadcasters

including the largest known as shoutcast.

Eventially this too came to an end,as other opportunities came along that took me away from radio all together.


So to answer the question "where did the sheffield pirates go?"

We got old,some fat,some died,some just grew up,some got real jobs,some like me continued the philosophy and some went off to other countries.

We were assimilated into society just like every other person is eventially.


Peace J..:D

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The guy that used to run that now works at Reflex Records in town.


Martin was just a DJ on it.

But without martin and rob there, fantasy would not have been so popular

they were the flagship dj team.

In those days they were the nicest guys you could meet.

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Martin was just a DJ on it.

But without martin and rob there, fantasy would not have been so popular

they were the flagship dj team.

In those days they were the nicest guys you could meet.


Oh right, sorry I thought he ran it. I was only 12 when it was on the air. That station was one of the first things that made me want to be a DJ.

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Oh right, sorry I thought he ran it. I was only 12 when it was on the air. That station was one of the first things that made me want to be a DJ.


Yes it was the reason I wanted to be a dj too ;)


Martin did go onto run "dance fm" with the guys from fantasy and scr though if my memory serves me correctly :)

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Yes it was the reason I wanted to be a dj too ;)


Martin did go onto run "dance fm" with the guys from fantasy and scr though if my memory serves me correctly :)


Do you have a regular gig somewhere then? Most of the big DJ's started out on pirate stations apparently.


Dance FM - I can't say I remember that, but then like I say it was in my early teenage years so other issues may have distorted my memory somewhat!

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  • 9 months later...

Does anybody happen to have any old recording of Pirate Radio station JOY FM 105.8 around 1996 time? I'm searching for radio recordings of the dj Matt Hardwick (before he went to becoming a Gatecrasher resident) . He used to do a slot every Saturday. I'm really hoping that someone in Sheffield may have recorded some :)

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there used to be one called millennium FM used to listen to it round about 2000/2001 think it was only on on a Saturday an Sunday though and if i remember rightly these were sum of the DJ's Mr T the barber from park hill legs diamond and Dougie fresh i think was his name he was the DJ from club europa which was next to Berlins. and there was 2 young lads what used to play niche music.

was a good station all RNB an reggae and a bit of other stuff shame it went away.

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