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Is this parking ticket fair and legal?

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On Friday night I left my car in Victor Street Hillsborough. I knew I would be leaving it overnight so ensured I wasn't blocking anyone's drive and knew that the main road was a clearway so didnt want to cause any obstruction the following morning during rush hour. When I parked I looked for any signs or markings on the kerb edge etc but saw nothing.


When I returned to my car I had been given a ticket for parking on a clearway even though so far as I know Victor Street isnt a main road, its a side street.

I would have thought to be legal the road has to be subject to an Urban Clearway Order?


Has anyone else been in this position? If so did you appeal and was it successful.

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Have a look for road signs on the side street.

There should be a Clearway sign http://www.learning2drive.co.uk/images/clearway.gif on one side and a Clearway/End sign on the other.

They will be around 10 yards from the junction with the main road.


Parking between the junction and these signs is illegal.


Basically, a clearway usually extends 10 yards up the side streets to allow safe exit from the clearway without stopping (and getting a lorry up the bum!).


If there are no signs at all, the clearway has not ended?

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There are clearway signs just in from the junction (10 to 20 yards in) to make it so that people have clear line of sight in and out of the junction and have space to pull in if they pull off of Langsett road as it is effectively only wide enough for one car to go through when fully parked up. I suspect you were parked closer to the junction of Langsett rd than you should have been - they are very hot on ticketing for that around here Im afraid.

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On Friday night I left my car in Victor Street Hillsborough. I knew I would be leaving it overnight so ensured I wasn't blocking anyone's drive and knew that the main road was a clearway so didnt want to cause any obstruction the following morning during rush hour. When I parked I looked for any signs or markings on the kerb edge etc but saw nothing.


When I returned to my car I had been given a ticket for parking on a clearway even though so far as I know Victor Street isnt a main road, its a side street.

I would have thought to be legal the road has to be subject to an Urban Clearway Order?


Has anyone else been in this position? If so did you appeal and was it successful.


Yep it's illegal I'm afraid.


Funny you posted that, I saw a traffic warden only last week sticking a ticket on a car parked half and half past the clearway sign at the side of KFC nr Carlton Rd. Many people don't realise this law but it IS for safety reasons.....

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I NEARLY got caught out in the same way just before Christmas. I didn't think the Clearway signs were very clear - there is nothing visible from the bottom of the road when you turn in- you just see the back of a sign (if you look closely!)

I was "fortunate" in that there was a Traffic Warden on the other side of the road issuing a ticket to another car, who told me I couldn't park there!


How long has this been in place?

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"Maybe you should change your username to Iwork2payparkingfines?"



Ha ha ha. I think you've got a point.


It should probably be Iwork2pay4Xmas&parkingfines although Iwork2shop is a lot easier to spell as well as a lot more fun!http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/images/smilies/smile.gif

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