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Is this parking ticket fair and legal?

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I think those quoting the letter of the law need to dig deep and find a little empathy, at least for a local resident just trying to get home.


I don't think some double yellow lines are too much to ask for. A cynic might suggest that the council are on to a nice little earner.

The Council do take into account genuine emergencies and extenuating circumstances when judging representations made to them on penalties. Anyone issued with a penalty has the option of an appeal to an independent adjudicator.


A local resident trying to get home. It's not a genuine emergency, or a reasonable excuse for parking in contravention of restrictions, is it?


As I have mentioned earlier, the Railway Inspectorate (ie the Government ) instructed the Council that they must have a clearway restriction on the tram routes. The signing you see in place is the appropriate information for drivers as prescribed by the Government.


Double yellow lines are not the correct roadmarking to denote a clearway and I have no doubt that if they did put some down, drivers getting ticketed on them would appeal on the grounds that the signs / lines were not correct and they would win.


It's a little like putting down a stop line and accompanying it with a give way sign. It is not the correct way to do it and, like it or not, the Council have to abide by the signing and lining regulations.


The restrictions go into the side streets for safety reasons, so the Council are fully justified in enforcing them. Ignorance or lack of observation on the part of the driver is not an acceptable excuse in the eyes of the law.

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Sometimes people (planners included) just dont look at signs it would seem and thats the plain truth. Its called being human

Yes indeed, we are all human. Part of that is that as a species, we are inclined to push our luck.


Once people realise they can get away with it, or that there is no threat of a penalty, chaos ensues.


This is well evidenced in some towns where the Police withdrew their traffic wardens before the Council had time to put civil enforcement in place. People soon realised they could do what they liked without fear of penalty, so these places soon became gridlocked as people double and triple parked, clogging the streets so no-one could get past.

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Yes indeed, we are all human. Part of that is that as a species, we are inclined to push our luck.


Once people realise they can get away with it, or that there is no threat of a penalty, chaos ensues.


This is well evidenced in some towns where the Police withdrew their traffic wardens before the Council had time to put civil enforcement in place. People soon realised they could do what they liked without fear of penalty, so these places soon became gridlocked as people double and triple parked, clogging the streets so no-one could get past.

Your bathroom mirror must love you.

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You may believe that , but many ,many people would beg to differ.

And do these people have any evidence to back up their views?


Most of the time, when the Council's CEO's issue a ticket, the driver isn't there, so how could there be any bias?


Same goes for bus lane infringements, the camera is focusing on the vehicle and it's number plate, the driver is of no interest.


As I have said, there are well known spots where drivers often park in contravention of restrictions but they will usually drive off before the CEO has chance to issue any more than the odd ticket.


The camera enforcement vehicle will get them all, irrespective of who or what they are. They will all be ticketed.

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And do these people have any evidence to back up their views?


Most of the time, when the Council's CEO's issue a ticket, the driver isn't there, so how could there be any bias?


Same goes for bus lane infringements, the camera is focusing on the vehicle and it's number plate, the driver is of no interest.

As I have said, there are well known spots where drivers often park in contravention of restrictions but they will usually drive off before the CEO has chance to issue any more than the odd ticket.


The camera enforcement vehicle will get them all, irrespective of who or what they are. They will all be ticketed.


i dont blame motorists who drive off , i have done it myself . Traffic wardens are employed purely to generate as much revenue as possible for the council, and i have no time for them what so ever , and i salute any motorist who vanishes just as the warden is writing out his/her "Invoice".

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