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Central Heating controls clarification, please...


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Old I suspect, and everything still "fires up"....but I don't know what each bit does/controls!

Can you help, please?


Upstairs, apart from the water cylinder, there's a Glow-Worm Space-Saver balanced flue boiler, model 50BF. Simple On/Off/Min/Max rotating knob beneath. I know "Off" turns the pilot light off, but what does the Min and Max actually relate to?


Downstairs, there are 2 separate units - both Landis & Gyr.

One's a timer - that I can figure! One "clock" face, 2 switches, 1 for Central Heating and 1 for Hot Water.

The other unit's underneath - (I guess) a thermostat.

About 3" square, central spindle, with a vertical slot running up the right-hand side of the front face. Through this slot you can see horizontal black lines on a metal plate, although there are no numbers. There's a pointer here, but the only way to move it is to poke a pen or similar through the slot....I'm assuming there should be a control knob on the central spindle, but even so, with no numbers in view, it's tricky to adjust!

Assuming this gauge relates to the room temperature?

How does it relate to the Min/Max job on the Glow-Worm?

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The min - max will set the temp that the boiler heats the heating loop to.

The higher the setting on the boiler, the less time it will take to reach the required room temp and the sooner the boiler will be cut off by the thermostat, in theory.

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So the Glow-Worm job should be on Max at this time of year, in order to speed the central heating (water heating) up? Or would that be too bold?!

Any ideas why the thermostat doesn't have a scale in view? (Unless, of course, it's not one!)

I've since undone the central spindle - it has a very fine screwdriver slot in the end - which allows the front of the unit to pull off.

Unsure now whether there should be a control knob in action - the spindle is a really small diameter, maybe 3mm? Wondering instead whether there should be a slider control in conjunction with the slot to the right, but there doesn't seem to be anything snapped inside....

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On max or close to it I'd think.


The scale has probably been peeled off at some time, along with the central knob to adjust it. It could even be that adjusting the pointer with a pen has no effect at all on the actual setting.

Then again, maybe it was a slider like you say, if it seems to work when you adjust it with a pen, set it to a comfortable level, turn the glo worm up and see what happens.

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Thanks for that - very useful.

One last (dumb) question if I may - concerns the thermostat downstairs.

Assuming you're correct about the slider missing/numbers rubbed off...wherever it's set now would be the maximum temperature that would be achieved....let's say that's 25C for the sake of argument.

So....once that temperature has been reached, the system shuts down.....until it drops to...?

Which unit/regulator controls the minimum temperature?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree completely?

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Try the Glow-Worm website enter your boiler number, then download the user instructions.

That will help you.


Old I suspect, and everything still "fires up"....but I don't know what each bit does/controls!

Can you help, please?


Upstairs, apart from the water cylinder, there's a Glow-Worm Space-Saver balanced flue boiler, model 50BF. Simple On/Off/Min/Max rotating knob beneath. I know "Off" turns the pilot light off, but what does the Min and Max actually relate to?


Downstairs, there are 2 separate units - both Landis & Gyr.

One's a timer - that I can figure! One "clock" face, 2 switches, 1 for Central Heating and 1 for Hot Water.

The other unit's underneath - (I guess) a thermostat.

About 3" square, central spindle, with a vertical slot running up the right-hand side of the front face. Through this slot you can see horizontal black lines on a metal plate, although there are no numbers. There's a pointer here, but the only way to move it is to poke a pen or similar through the slot....I'm assuming there should be a control knob on the central spindle, but even so, with no numbers in view, it's tricky to adjust!

Assuming this gauge relates to the room temperature?

How does it relate to the Min/Max job on the Glow-Worm?

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Thanks for that - very useful.

One last (dumb) question if I may - concerns the thermostat downstairs.

Assuming you're correct about the slider missing/numbers rubbed off...wherever it's set now would be the maximum temperature that would be achieved....let's say that's 25C for the sake of argument.

So....once that temperature has been reached, the system shuts down.....until it drops to...?

Which unit/regulator controls the minimum temperature?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree completely?


The room thermostat is a target rather than a max temp.

So I'd guess that the temp will fluctuate around a degree either side of the desired target temp, or thereabouts.

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If I were you I would invest in a new thermostat, it sounds like yours is a bit too far gone for repairs. Thermostats have built in something called 'temperature differential'. When the temperature reaches the thermostat setting, eg. 25c. the contacts open and shut down the boiler. When the temperature drops to something like 21 or 22c the contacts will close and fire up the boiler again. The differential prevents the boiler from continually switching On and Off.

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