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My time with you always made me smile

The days spent with you made me feel special

I can't believe your gone

Oh! The tears I've cried.


The flowers I've picked

The sight of you in my eyes I'll never forget

For you were my world

Nothing I could regret


With you by my side

You made me stand tall

So I pick a flower and say

"Thank you for it all".


I'm all grown up now

And have kids of my own

I tell them the stories

From when I was small



I tell them how you kept me in line

You'd buy me an ice cream from time to time

We'd wait for the red van and off I'd run

To pick up our favourite treat.


I'll never forget it at all

The mornings I'd wake

And run down the stairs

I loved staying at your place and I could have stayed there


That was my place

I loved you so much

And Ill never forget your face

Thank you once more for the smiles you gave me.

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