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Things that go bump in the night...SPOOKY

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Nothing sillier than saying it is silly to believe in something, that is actually true!:rolleyes:


There's a lot of things that are more silly than declaring that it's silly to believe in Ghosts, and i think you know that Kingmaker.


Firstly, from my veiwpoint that ghosts don't exist. Of course it's not silly for me to think ghosts don't exist, i've never seen one and every time a decent investigation has been done it's come up short. In all the years of ghost hunting no-ones ever come up with a thing to convince us skeptics, the burden of proof is one the people making the extraordinary claims. Until such proof is presented, i will think of these claims as rather silly, because they go against all logic.


Then, from yours and others that ghosts do exist. You still need to remember that I've never seen anything remotely convincing, no-one's ever won the James Randi prize even though if there was a real medium they could be stinking rich for just 15 minutes work. For me to just take your word for it would be far sillier, no?


EDIT: Also, believing that walls can store sound is way sillier than saying belief in ghosts is silly!:hihi:

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There's a lot of things that are more silly than declaring that it's silly to believe in Ghosts, and i think you know that Kingmaker.


Not really, to those that know that ghosts DO exist it's the silliest comment that they could hope to hear.


Saying you don't believe in ghosts is a different matter. That's not silly that is your opinion based on your experiences.


Saying it is silly to believe in something simply because you have no personal experience of it is a quite silly though, and I think you know that.


Randi's prize is neither here nor there since this discussion isn't about mediums or mediumship, it is about ghosts.

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There are things in this world that we do not understand. I would not ridicule anyone who said they had seen a ghost. I am however quite happy that I am not one of them.


That's the problem, we don't understand things like ghosts, we can't capture them and bring them into a scientific laboratory to study them.

But just because they defy known logic it doesn't follow that they can't exist.


They can and they do, ghosts are a natural phenomena, there is nothing magical, divine, or miraculous about them, it's just that man is not yet developed enough yet to fully understand how ghosts come to be, or how they can defy current scientific logic.


One day in the future man might just accept ghosts as he does the weather, under certain conditions they are seen, just like lightening strikes,you'll only get them under certain conditions.

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It was great to have another undisturbed night. It is fantastic how much better you feel when you get sleep. My heart goes out to anyone with a baby.


The builders are here sorting the roof so hopefully this is the end of the matter. They have also found how the foxes got on the roof and are making sure it cannot happen again.


We are very pleased with our new cubby hole. There was quite a lot of old pots and other junk in there. I suspect most won't have seen the light of day for 100 years. The hideaway is about 2 feet wide and 3 feet high with a triangular cross section. It is possible to lay down on your back if you bend your knees. It will be very handy for hiding items in the future.

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Not really, to those that know that ghosts DO exist it's the silliest comment that they could hope to hear.
No I don't buy that at all. As i said the most logical position for me is 'ghosts don't exist' so it's not silly at all for me to adopt it. You can be 'sure' I'm wrong without thinking I'm silly. For example Newtons theory of gravity is probably flat out wrong but it's not silly, it mostly makes sense.



Saying it is silly [not?] to believe in something simply because you have no personal experience of it is a quite silly though, and I think you know that.
True, but saying not to believe in something because anyone who's ever investigated it scientifically has found it to have no basis in fact is not. You have no personal experience of what earth looks like from space, yet I'm confident you would dissagree with me if I said it was a cube not a circle.


Randi's prize is neither here nor there since this discussion isn't about mediums or mediumship, it is about ghosts.


You are mistaken. The James Randi Educational Foundation "offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event." - From their website.


So like I said, anyone with decent varifiable evidence for the existence of ghost could invite these guys along and be a millionaire for less than a days work. The fact that over 600 people have applied and abjectly failed to even make it through preliminary testing highlights well the complete lack of evidence for the existence of the paranormal and the supernatural.

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One day in the future man might just accept ghosts as he does the weather, under certain conditions they are seen, just like lightening strikes,you'll only get them under certain conditions.


Just like one day long ago man didn't believe in the weather and things like lightning:loopy:

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what are you going to do with the hole? are u going to leave it covered up or think about having it open to show people? also what are you going to do wit the stuff? x


We are leaving it almost exactly as it was. The hidden trap door will remain. The roof has been sorted and it will later be lined inside the cavity to make it a much more useful space. We will probably just use it for storing special items. It is far safer than a safe.


All the junk that was up there was taken out whilst the roof was fixed. We have loads of old outbuildings and it has all been dumped in one of them.


The local history group are coming round to photograph the trap door at some stage. I will let them have a look over all the junk just in case there is something interesting.


My partner was called away on business this morning and probably won't be home until the weekend. For the first time in my life I face the prospect of spending a night in a house on my own. I can't say the prospect fills me with joy. I suppose that in time I will get used to it. I am just glad we got to the bottom of the creepy noises before he went.

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