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Suggestions for future camp meets.


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All I would say guys (and I realise I may be Mr Unpopular here) is that we should perhaps try and keep this thread free of 1-2-1 chatter as much as is possible.


If we don't, there's a likelihood that it will get quite clogged pretty quickly, and no-one enjoys wading through pages of pointless 1-2-1 chat to get to the info they want. There are four million other threads on the forum if 'off-topic' is your bag.


Let's try and keep it to discuss future camp meets and sites - as per the thread title. Hopefully we'll have a camping and caravanning group soon, so it would probably make sense not to be putting all your eggs into this particular basket. :)

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One think I have been mulling over for a laugh would be a back packing camp meet for a long weekend, with a minibus back up driver for those that might need it.

I think it would be fun and we might be able to coax some of the walking group along too.


Any thoughts?

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Actually the one to one chat can be great fun to read, if a bit odd sometimes :) ......my suggestion is pick a campsite near a beach, that way the opportunities to have fun are endless :) ooooorrrr how about shalets that houses about 20 or more people in bunk beds?

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Is anyone a member of the Camping and Caravanning Club?


I hear they're pretty clued up on good sites...


I'm probably going to join at some point but wondered if anyone already was and if so, what do you think of it?


They wouldn't allow a group such as ours they tend to be over priced and are far from the best sites around.

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