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Whatever happened to Irvine Patnick?

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There was a meeting of the Ku Klux Klan somewhere in Alabama. They had the usual roll call and the name Cohen was answered in the affirmative. A new member on hearing this asked 'Cohen, that's Jewish ai'nt it, what the hell is a Jew doin' here?' An older member whispered 'Shut your mouth, he's the gown buyer and he gets us the best deals'. That joke was told to me by Phil down at the City back in the 50's.

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Hi davebrmm - I'd almost forgotten the Radnanskys. Julius Radnansky (1904-1973, born in Russia) lived on Marlcliffe Road and was a thoroughly decent bloke, as was old Aaron Patnick, as PopT wrote in post #36. Perhaps Irvine would have been better advised to stay in business instead of going into politics. He may rue the day he did the interview that mrdwesty linked in post #94. Although he was apparently quoting police officers, he himself - as a high-profile figure - will always be associated with these lies.

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Although he was apparently quoting police officers, he himself - as a high-profile figure - will always be associated with these lies.


He was a powerful tory figure with Thatcher's ear, running around press agencies and giving TV interviews spreading slanderous misinformation. That made him part of the conspiracy- one of the most active players even.


I would be very surprised if his busy campaign to shift blame from the SYP didn't serve as a major contributing factor to the many knockbacks faced by the bereaved over 23 years.



Is "I'm only repeating what people who needed to cover their own arse told me..." a reasonable defence when making serious allegations about disaster victims on TV and in national (and local) rags?

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