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Difficult situation.

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It wouls be a very, very week argument though wouldnt it.

And one that possibly would stand up well in a court of law.


Not really as the OP has said this is not the first time he has called her a slag. What he is doing to her you could class a mental abuse? & there is only so much a person can take before they retaleate back.


Why call her a slag in the first place?

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It wouls be a very, very week argument though wouldnt it.

And one that possibly wouldnt stand up well in a court of law.


And if it was a bloke that had hit a woman the replies on this thread would be very, very different....

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Not really as the OP has said this is not the first time he has called her a slag. What he is doing to her you could class a mental abuse? & there is only so much a person can take before the retaleate back.


Why call her a slag in the first place?


Maybe she is a slag (im not for one second saying she is by the way) or maybe she is winding him up in other ways she hasent told us yet.

Regardless there isnt an excuse for violence in a relationship.

If he makes her that angry then they have no place being a couple.

It will only end in tears.

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