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Difficult situation.

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If he had hit her back would that be classed as self defence?


If she was insulting him with abuse that was not true yes & he hadhad enough just like she has & he did what she did yes it would be.

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If she was insulting him with abuse that was not true yes & he hadhad enough just like she has & he did what she did yes it would be.


I dont really think you beleive that though do you.

Beside, are we sure this is a genuine thread?

The ops name is volcano and we all know what they have a tendancy to do.

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I have never called a girlfriend a slag or a bitch...(well a bitch in a jest kinda way). If insults like that are involved in a relationship (or violence) then i'd feel better off out of it.



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It seems from the original post that the man has repeatedly abused the OP. The OP has once abused the man. Unless they are prepared to work together to remove the abuse from their interactions, the OP would do better to respond to the man's repeated abuse by removing herself from the abusive relationship.

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It seems from the original post that the man has repeatedly abused the OP. The OP has once abused the man. Unless they are prepared to work together to remove the abuse from their interactions, the OP would do better to respond to the man's repeated abuse by removing herself from the abusive relationship.


Unfortunately, that's only one side of the story.


There will be no right answers on this thread, they both have issues.

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Maybe she is a slag (im not for one second saying she is by the way) or maybe she is winding him up in other ways she hasent told us yet.

Regardless there isnt an excuse for violence in a relationship.

If he makes her that angry then they have no place being a couple.

It will only end in tears.


I totally agree.


If things are getting so bad you are lashing out, you need to take a major step back and work out if these problems can be solved or not. If not walk away because it sounds like it is heading down the road to major unhappiness.

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