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Bulls head under new ownership

bulls head

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As a real ale drinker I would reccommend you get on the SIBA scheme if you can, this opens up almost all the small local breweries whose beers are quite popular now.


These include Kelham Island Brewery, Sheffield Brewery Company, Abbeydale Brewery, Thornbridge Brewery, Spire Brewery, Brampton Brewery, Acorn Brewery, Oakwell Brewery, Peak Ales, Wentworth Brewery, Bradfield Brewery and more.


You would probably do well to do the same that Mick at the Castle Inn at Bradway does - he has four pumps, two has well known national beers from the regular Enterprise list and two have beers from local breweries off the Siba list.

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andy c: thats exactly what we had planned. we are showing this to the area manager when we meet so we can let him know whay the locals want.


scottie99: at the min most of the staff will be staying for now as far as we know. we dont know the state of current contracts.. as new managment we are looking to build the best possible team for the pub. in the pub trade staff come and go. we intend to only keep the best so keep popping in and see what happens.

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Also beaware that the "area manager" isnt really out to help you as much as you may think, hes only there to make money for his company. So dont be surprised if he doesnt try and sell you things etc. When he realises you havent got any money to spend he will loose interest in you.


Sorry to sound pessamistic but this is exactly how they operate. Be on your guard and dont agree to anything there and then!.

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Wow!! best news i've heard all year! we live just round the corner from BH and to be honest it was part of the reason we chose to move to the area. we have certainly been disappointed with the very obvious decline but now can't wait for its revival! i had a thread on here a couple of months ago regarding the sale/change of mangement and it was obvious there is alot of people hoping to see it turned around. the new menu ideas sound great and the real ale very promising. one of the reasons we visit less now is beers not always being available when we go. it will be nice to see it get a facelift and hopefully if you do all you plan it will be a success! i wish the very best of luck and can't wait to see you there!!

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Good luck with your venture really hope it works out.


Last time I was in the Bulls Head we were not impressed and there would have to be some big improvements to make us think of a return visit not least a good clean,which it appears you are addressing already.


The Ranmoor inn is the bench mark around there these days in my opinion but it would be great to have another pub worth visisting nearby.

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Best of luck with it , this used to be a cracking pub when Graham was in charge (a few years back now).

Had a good mix of people , some in watching footy on big screen , some in having food and lots of the local well off at the right hand side spending lots of cash (most days too). Was always a friendly atmosphere and a real local where you could always bump into someone you knew.


All went downhill (and a bit rough & unwelcoming frankly) in past few years and your customers are now in Rising Sun or Ranmoor Inn (and West 10).


Plus that terrace was a bad idea. Makes it look like a chain footy pub rather than the comfy local it is.

Get rid of that and put the few parking spaces back in and you may get more people in on the way home from work.


Woo back the monied locals from the Ranmoor inn with a clean cosy pub , put on some real ales (and ciders) as well as decent wines and you may find you are onto a winner.

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Yes id go in if the was real ciders!

a lot of people just think about real ale making a good pub, but actually proper cider is really important to(i dont mean anything like bulmers).

If being part of a pub co u have problems getting real cider then prehaps you can get a half way house one such as Stowford press etc

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