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Bulls head under new ownership

bulls head

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For once I totally agree with Golden Fleece. If there is any one on this forum looking for a pub to run avoid Enterprise Inns at all costs. Their business model involves a total tie on products and no discount on barrelage. You dont stand a cat in hells chance. Fortunately for the likes of Enterprise Inns and Punch Taverns a lot of people buy pubs with their hearts and not their heads.

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For once I totally agree with Golden Fleece. If there is any one on this forum looking for a pub to run avoid Enterprise Inns at all costs. Their business model involves a total tie on products and no discount on barrelage. You dont stand a cat in hells chance. Fortunately for the likes of Enterprise Inns and Punch Taverns a lot of people buy pubs with their hearts and not their heads.


Punch are not quite as bad to be fair....they do offer some discounts, and often a partial tie only, but it all depends on the premises. So far I have yet to meet a Punch BRM who is a COMPLETE idiot....met 2 from Enterprize to date, one of whom is referenced above:rant:, and one other one who had his head so far up his posterior he was talking out of it non stop:hihi:

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Fortunately for the likes of Enterprise Inns and Punch Taverns a lot of people buy pubs with their hearts and not their heads.


Yes, this is indeed the case. There still seems to be the concept that owning a pub is a 'dream come true' for too many people. For many in reality, it becomes a nightmare, and far from the idyllic vision that many still seem to cling to.


Now, while it is certainly possible to make money f you are clever enough with cash flow and cost controls, you really have to go in with your eyes propped open wide, and never blink! One blink gives the Pub Co the opportunity to pull a fast one on you, and they will make life so unbearable with cost increases and 'policy' updates! :gag:


For anyone on this thread inspired to take on any 'ideal starter pub' or 'superb opportunity with great potential to develop trade' on Pub Co web sites........STOP!!!!


Never ever take a pub without spending a lot of time doing the maths, and doing at the very least 2 years worth of financial forecasts and projections with the help of a specialist accountant. Many try to do it themselves and just fall apart at the seams. You must ensure you have ALL the costs from the Pub Co! Many only give you bits and pieces to hide the fact the Pub has lost huge amounts of money over the previous period, so make sure you extract ALL the financial data from them and know the reality of the real and constant maintainable profit from the premises BACKWARDS. If they wont supply this data in full, walk away! If you don't walk away, they will eat you for breakfast, empty your savings account and in all likelyhood make you homeless too......its a bit bleak this advice, but I regret to say its the truth.


of course, this still wont stop a ruthless Area Manager from making life Hell on Earth for you, they are (probably) all X Army drill sargeants!!!

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Sad to hear that it did not work out.


To be honest I think enerprise have probably shot themselves in the foot as most people I know round there go in the Ranmoor Inn which is a very well run pub and constantly changing landlords of the bulls head is not the way to take them on.


In times like this if you dont get it right you probably wont survive.


I would not be suprised if the Bulls Head closes eventually.

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we were told that "our standards wernt high enough." we had turned the pub arround, cleaned it from top to bottom. been gven a glowing report from health and safety and over doubled the take in under 9 weeks. we work for a company called hawk inn who were told they could keep the tennancy "as long as you get rid of jason and rhiannon" . feels personal. we just dont know what we did wrong. clean pub, good beer and increased take and we wernt good enough. our wage was only 17.5% of take and we payed staff out of that. we now have the bath on bergoyne road. so we are trying again. only problem is that mark whitley is our area manager again. we just cant win. stating to think we should try to find another company to manage for.

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we were told that "our standards wernt high enough." we had turned the pub arround, cleaned it from top to bottom. been gven a glowing report from health and safety and over doubled the take in under 9 weeks. we work for a company called hawk inn who were told they could keep the tennancy "as long as you get rid of jason and rhiannon" . feels personal. we just dont know what we did wrong. clean pub, good beer and increased take and we wernt good enough. our wage was only 17.5% of take and we payed staff out of that. we now have the bath on bergoyne road. so we are trying again. only problem is that mark whitley is our area manager again. we just cant win. stating to think we should try to find another company to manage for.


Sorry but your asking for trouble for sticking with them. Give me his phone number and ill get him sorted for you:hihi:

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Similar situation at the Shiny Sheff.


Enterprise have now decided they want the pub to be a restaurant. At hardly any moment's notice at all, they have decided to boot out Tim and Wendy. Yet more vulgar, shabby treatment from this deplorable pub-co.


Tim told me that the signs were promising with people beginning to come back to the pub. How does anyone stand a chance of turning things around in under 2 monhs?!


This Saturday there's a superb Robbie Williams tribute act on. This is the fella that appeared on Stars In Their Eyes and is a major coup for the Shiny Sheff. Show your support!


Despite having their phone-lines cut by our pub-co friends (and thus having no access to the internet) I wish to say a huge 'thank you' to Tim, Wendy and 'Ginga' and wish them every success in their next venture.

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