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Strange caller to door last night - Heeley area

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just wondering if anyone in the heeley area had anyone knock on their door last night saying they were from sheffield city council doing a survey about the services that sheffield city council provide. strange thing was he said they only wanted males to answer it. also asked if i knew if any of the neighbours had men living there. Just think it's strange to call at yr door to do a survey for only men:loopy:

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A number of years ago, whilst I was away for a couple of nights, my wife was asked by a bloke at the door if her husband was in. Thinking quickly she said, "my husband has just taken Rambo for a walk, he should be back soon." He never came back.


So definitely say that, or something similar like "my husband gets out of jail tomorrow."


I agree with the others, report it.

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sounds to me they wanted to know which homes/occupants were more vunerable, possible looking for potential houses to rob or something knowing there might be no men there to fight them off.


report it to the police and also the council so warnings can be put out to people

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Sheffield City Council:



Customer Insight Survey

It’s important for us to know what local people think of our services so we’ve asked BMG Research, an independent research agency, to do a survey of local residents on our behalf.


We want to find out what contact you’ve had with us, the reasons you got in touch and your experience of our service. Even if you’ve never had direct contact with us we’re still interested to know what services and standards you might expect from us in the future.


Our aim is to deliver services you want, when you want them and how you want to receive them. Understanding your views and needs will help us plan and deliver services in the future.


About the Survey

BMG will interview 3,000 residents across the city, at your home. They will provide proof of identity before asking you to take part. All responses will be confidential, so individuals and households will remain anonymous. Any analysis undertaken by any third party will only be for research purposes, and not for the preparation of commercial lists.


The interviewer will ask you to sign to confirm that you have completed the survey and that your responses were recorded accurately. Your signature will not be used for any other purpose. The interviewer will also ask for your name and address details, which BMG will use for quality checking purposes only.


The survey is due to take place on the following times and dates:



* 8th to 23rd December 2008

* 29th to 31st December 2008

* 5th January to 1st February 2009


* Monday to Friday 9.00am – 7.00pm

* Saturday and Sunday 10am -5.00 pm

* (24th & 31st December will be weekend times)



May we take this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation in advance and reassure you that your responses will be treated with the strictest confidence.


If you have any questions about the survey please call the BMG Survey Helpline on 0800 358 0337, or our Corporate Contact Centre on 0114 272 6444, 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday or 0800 915 6913 outside of office hours.


BMG are registered with the Market Research Society, and comply with all aspects of Data Protection legislation.

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Sheffield City Council:



Customer Insight Survey

It’s important for us to know what local people think of our services so we’ve asked BMG Research, an independent research agency, to do a survey of local residents on our behalf.


We want to find out what contact you’ve had with us, the reasons you got in touch and your experience of our service. Even if you’ve never had direct contact with us we’re still interested to know what services and standards you might expect from us in the future.


Our aim is to deliver services you want, when you want them and how you want to receive them. Understanding your views and needs will help us plan and deliver services in the future.


About the Survey

BMG will interview 3,000 residents across the city, at your home. They will provide proof of identity before asking you to take part. All responses will be confidential, so individuals and households will remain anonymous. Any analysis undertaken by any third party will only be for research purposes, and not for the preparation of commercial lists.


The interviewer will ask you to sign to confirm that you have completed the survey and that your responses were recorded accurately. Your signature will not be used for any other purpose. The interviewer will also ask for your name and address details, which BMG will use for quality checking purposes only.


The survey is due to take place on the following times and dates:



* 8th to 23rd December 2008

* 29th to 31st December 2008

* 5th January to 1st February 2009


* Monday to Friday 9.00am – 7.00pm

* Saturday and Sunday 10am -5.00 pm

* (24th & 31st December will be weekend times)



May we take this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation in advance and reassure you that your responses will be treated with the strictest confidence.


If you have any questions about the survey please call the BMG Survey Helpline on 0800 358 0337, or our Corporate Contact Centre on 0114 272 6444, 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday or 0800 915 6913 outside of office hours.


BMG are registered with the Market Research Society, and comply with all aspects of Data Protection legislation.


Well done Sheffield City Council! Now every conman in the city knows that all he needs to gain entry to a vulnerable person's house is to knock out a fake ID badge when few people would know what a genuine one looks like anyway.


Why can't they simply send a survey to be completed by either letter or email?

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