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Strange caller to door last night - Heeley area

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Well done Sheffield City Council! Now every conman in the city knows that all he needs to gain entry to a vulnerable person's house is to knock out a fake ID badge when few people would know what a genuine one looks like anyway.


Why can't they simply send a survey to be completed by either letter or email?


correct me if im wrong but does it say anywere here thats its a male only survey??????

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I thought there was some law about people coming to your door after dusk or am I remebering wrongly.

Also if the survey is going to reflect the population properly then surely the age of the people filling in the survey is relevantnd also they'd need to talk to a number of disabled folk as well so it can't just be gender related.

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Don't bother coming to my door, all you'll get is a flea in your ear. I don't tolerate cold callers of any kind, whether at the door,by phone, mail or email. They all get binned.

(The binmen are beginning to complain, too many legs sticking out of the bin) :)

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I thought there was some law about people coming to your door after dusk or am I remebering wrongly.


No law against it, but the Council would not be happy if the contracted surveyors are door-knocking this late.

The OP has a number to ring if she wants to drop them in the proverbial.

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I had them at my door last night at around 5.30ish. there was 3 all together that I saw one at my neighbour next door and I saw another across the road, the one who wanted to interview me could only talk to MALE people so his colleague did my survey as he could do FEMALE. I didn't think it was anything dodgy, they did show me some documents before interview started.

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jesus lilly lou, thinki agree with folk on this un you shoukld report it, you never know these days, an as a girl living mostly by herselfwould be deeply troubled by someone knocking on my door!

Stay safe an do keep your key chain on take care

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I'm pleased to see that it not just me that doesn't open the door to unexpected callers.

I have had long discussions on this with family because if someone knocks at my door and I am not expecting anyone I just ignore it. My friends and family have my phone number and would push a note through if they were just passing. However other people seem to think it is rude to ignore the door.

I guess I would rather be rude and safe!

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