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Looking for Rudge's and Calvert's from Attercliffe


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I'm hoping someone on this forum might have a bit of knowledge about both my Nan's family and fill in a few gaps. My paternal nan's family were the Rudge's, she was called Elsie born 1918 and her father was called Ernest and they lived on Whitworth Lane, Attercliffe (near the Police Station) and it seems they lived there for quite a while. I know relatively little about her, so any info would be great. My other Nan was a Calvert, a Joan Calvert and her father was Maurice George Calvert and his father Leonard Flint Calvert and they lived at 87 Bodmin Street, Attercliffe again for quite some time. Again if there's any info or descendants out there if they could contact me I'd be well chuffed!




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The RUDGEs look like a BIG family...


GRO Marriages Dec 1908

BROWN Mary Ann Sheffield 9c 782

RUDGE Ernest Sheffield 9c 782

(2 other names on page - not necessarily a couple)


GRO Births Jun Qtr 1913

Rudge Doris (mother’s maiden name: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 1455

GRO Births Jun Qtr 1915

Rudge Ernest (mmn: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 1277

GRO Births Sep Qtr 1916

Rudge Ada (mmn: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 1251

GRO Births Sep Qtr 1918

Rudge Elsie (mmn: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 1209

GRO Births Jun Qtr 1920

Rudge Hannah (mmn: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 1403

GRO Births Dec Qtr 1921

Rudge Reginald (mmn: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 1230

GRO Births Dec Qtr 1923

Rudge Brenda (mmn: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 1031

GRO Births Jun Qtr 1925

Rudge Winifred (mmn: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 1094

GRO Births Jun Qtr 1927

Rudge William (mmn: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 986

GRO Births Sep Qtr 1930

Rudge Joyce (mmn: BROWN) Sheffield 9c 892


There could be other children 1908-1911 - this search, with mother's maiden name, is only possible from SEP Qtr 1911.


Infant mortality was high so the chances are not all of these children survived. In fact the child Ernest (5m) and his sister Winifred (2y) are buried in Tinsley Park with some members of the Brown family. Address, 12 Whitworth Lane.



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I'm hoping someone on this forum might have a bit of knowledge about both my Nan's family and fill in a few gaps. My paternal nan's family were the Rudge's, she was called Elsie born 1918 and her father was called Ernest and they lived on Whitworth Lane, Attercliffe (near the Police Station) and it seems they lived there for quite a while. I know relatively little about her, so any info would be great. My other Nan was a Calvert, a Joan Calvert and her father was Maurice George Calvert and his father Leonard Flint Calvert and they lived at 87 Bodmin Street, Attercliffe again for quite some time. Again if there's any info or descendants out there if they could contact me I'd be well chuffed!




Herbert Rudge a big man with a scar on his face ..used to work for a brewery often saw him going to Grimesthorpe club. try the grimesthorpe thread and type his name in ?hope this helps you out.
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Herbert Rudge was my late husbands cousin his surname was Johnson they came from Alfred rd Attercliffe, Herbert did work for a brewery I think it was Whitbreds on Greenland rd & Ladys Bridge, his brother also worked there I cannot remember his name. Hope this helps.


Jean J

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my father spike hepplestone was a cousin of herbert rudge who lived on ripon street herbert had daughters called diane susan and marie they would have had to be related through their mothers being sisters myfathers mother was called margaret johnson all from attercliffe

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Thanks for all your replies so far, nothing quite adds up so far for me but hopefully as I go on things will fall into place, this Herbert Rudge sounds a bit of a character! Anymore info would be great especially about the Calverts as well.




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I worked with The Rudge Bros at Tennants Brewery (Ladys Bridge) Bridge street before Whitbread took it over.

Sammy Rudge and Bert were both ex transport and they became Foremen. Sam ran the yard and his big brother with scar ran the draymen.

When work had finished they along with me would have a drink in the office (in those days it was allowed) We would pour a Brown ale into a pint pot and then a Gold Label.

They were larger than life men who stood no nonsense.

Sam was a gambler and he used to wander over to Thorpes the bookies near mucky duck pub and have bet on the gee gees.

Sam always kept his beting money seperate from his other money and i have known him needing a packet of fags would not use his gambling money to buy some.

They were in my opinion good foremen and as was much younger and fairly ambitious i learnt a lot about their style of man managent...

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