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Looking for Rudge's and Calvert's from Attercliffe


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I worked with The Rudge Bros at Tennants Brewery (Ladys Bridge) Bridge street before Whitbread took it over.

Sammy Rudge and Bert were both ex transport and they became Foremen. Sam ran the yard and his big brother with scar ran the draymen.

When work had finished they along with me would have a drink in the office (in those days it was allowed) We would pour a Brown ale into a pint pot and then a Gold Label.

They were larger than life men who stood no nonsense.

Sam was a gambler and he used to wander over to Thorpes the bookies near mucky duck pub and have bet on the gee gees.

Sam always kept his beting money seperate from his other money and i have known him needing a packet of fags would not use his gambling money to buy some.

They were in my opinion good foremen and as was much younger and fairly ambitious i learnt a lot about their style of man managent...


When was this? And what years would they have born approx? & Do you know whereabouts they lived? I'll have to look at the 1911 census to see if there's any connection.


Cheers mate


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I worked with them in the early 1960s until they retired late 1960s.

I always thought they were about my dads age and he was born in 1914, I may be wrong as i was only 19/20 yrs old.

Incidentally at work Herbert was only ever known as Harry Rudge.

I never knew the area the Rudges lived.

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  • 4 months later...
Thanks for all your replies so far, nothing quite adds up so far for me but hopefully as I go on things will fall into place, this Herbert Rudge sounds a bit of a character! Anymore info would be great especially about the Calverts as well.





hello my partner his a good friend of the calverts especialy joe. he spends most of his time down in skeggi. we will pass the message on



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  • 3 weeks later...
When was this? And what years would they have born approx? & Do you know whereabouts they lived? I'll have to look at the 1911 census to see if there's any connection.


Cheers mate



herbert rudge would ave been born around 1918-1921 he was my fathers cousin they lived on ripon street for years ...........50s to demolition thats about all i can tell you at the moment hope it helps, susan

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Hi Susan,


Well from what I can gather there wasn't really any Rudge's in Sheffield till my lot turned in the 1880's from Herefordshire. The Rudge I'm first contacted to is my Nan. I'll list her and her siblings that I know of, to see if anyone can spot a connection. They're all born in Sheffield.


Doris Rudge born 1913

Elsie Rudge born 1918 (My Nan)

Hannah Rudge born 1920

Reginald Rudge born 1921

Brenda Rudge born 1923


There were 3 others Ernest, Winifred and William how all died in childhood.


The above's parents were Ernest Rudge born about 1889 and Mary Ann (nee Brown) and it appears they lived at 12 Whitworth Lane Attercliffe.


So if you can spot a connection please get in contact

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