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£50 for an apartment!


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See this is the thing. I totally see where you are coming from, and under normal circumstances I would probably agree. However, I am extremely wary because I distinctively remember employees of this company being caught out blatantly lying about little details earlier on within this thread. If it is all above board, then why lie? Do you see what I mean


I know where your coming from Spyro, that was a bad attempt to boost publicity. Assuming they learnt lesson on that one as "Employee" not posted on this thread since.


Its understandable to think if they lie about little things, what else will they lie about and what lengths will they go to for publicity/sale of tickets BUT surely, as Director of Riverdale is ex-Solicitor, he will know what law suits could follow false information. Therefore have it all covered?

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I know where your coming from Spyro, that was a bad attempt to boost publicity. Assuming they learnt lesson on that one as "Employee" not posted on this thread since.


Its understandable to think if they lie about little things, what else will they lie about and what lengths will they go to for publicity/sale of tickets BUT surely, as Director of Riverdale is ex-Solicitor, he will know what law suits could follow false information. Therefore have it all covered?


I nearly fainted when I read this !, are you suggesting that solicitors (and indeed ex-solicitors) are never anything other than completely honest and above board ? Now I'm not casting any apsersions on this particular ex-solicitor (coz I'd prolbably get sued), but come on now, you can't expect us to swallow that !

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I nearly fainted when I read this !, are you suggesting that solicitors (and indeed ex-solicitors) are never anything other than completely honest and above board ? Now I'm not casting any apsersions on this particular ex-solicitor (coz I'd prolbably get sued), but come on now, you can't expect us to swallow that !


Which bit? Im not expecting you to swallow owt. Im just pointing out, that with something as controversial as these "win a house/flat" draws, and all the bad press previous competitions have had, you would think he's savvy enough not to put the company in a position where people could sue.


I am under no illusion at all, that being a solicitor/ex solicitor makes you honest, just a being a policeman/ex or magistrate/ex etc. Not that I am casting aspersions on any profession, just that all sorts of people do all kinds of jobs.:rant:

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Its nowhere near Spital Hill, its nearer red light area LOL :hihi:


Close enough or is my mind playing tricks on me, I'm sure spital hill is the hill down from pitsmoor burngreave area into the city onto derekdooley way, and this is just at the other side.

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next to Spital Hill a bit scare mongering isn't it


Not really scare mongering it's fact (providing I've not got my roadnames mixed up), I spotted where bewery wharf was the other day and it did not look a nice place to be it's actually off the wicker on those weird new roads that take you up to the NGH.

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Close enough or is my mind playing tricks on me, I'm sure spital hill is the hill down from pitsmoor burngreave area into the city onto derekdooley way, and this is just at the other side.


Appologies Dave650, forgetting the new road, it does make it pretty near now :confused: ha ha.

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