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£50 for an apartment!


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Seems like a good idea to me, I guess it's legal too. Maybe I will give it a try.


Should we team up, buy one of those crappy flats for next to nothing and get those mugs to buy ticket at £20 a go, one we sold more then twice what it is worth we do a draw and share the profits, So many dumb people here i am sure we can do it

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It says the competition now closed....and no-one won the apartment. How did that happen???



It was always part of the competition, if you read back through the thread.





If the numbers given in the hospital press release are accurate, the promoter has done a decent thing and given the charity more than promised and taken it from his own entitlement.


Well done.

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There wasnt a winner, carnt remember the details but there wasnt enough tickets sold, i think they blamed SF


So they got clever....thought they would sell tickets to auction off an apartment....not enough people bought tickets and they then went back on the deal....hence no winner. Is that legal.


So what happened to the money...I take it this was the money given to charity. Did all those who purchased a ticket agree to this.


Seems like whoever was holding this competition got 25% of every ticket...whilst the people buying got 25% less of what they paid in refund. Only a proportion of the 25% taken was given to charity and I presume they kept the rest.....now that is what I call a brilliant con. You offer something....you take money....you don't give it....you take a cut of the ticket price for yourself.


Oooops....edit....when I type you...I meant the organiser NOT kidley :blush:

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So they got clever....thought they would sell tickets to auction off an apartment....not enough people bought tickets and they then went back on the deal....hence no winner. Is that legal.


So what happened to the money...I take it this was the money given to charity. Did all those who purchased a ticket agree to this.


Well it was in the T's + C's they agreed to - someone on the previous page snipped them off the website.

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Well it was in the T's + C's they agreed to - someone on the previous page snipped them off the website.


They did....it just seems a bit odd to me.I suppose there are people out there willing to take a shot for a small loss in order to perhaps gain something big.

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