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Can we move to America?

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My boyfriend and I would like a fresh start and have a love of America – we were wondering if anyone could help with info on how we could manage to find work/live in the USA?


It seems impossible to be able to do this – what with Green Cards, Visas, work permits and strict immigration regulations. We’d love to know if we could somehow make our wish come true?


Here’s some info about us:


Neither of us has any ties with the USA. I have a French degree and would like to work in translation (although I don’t have much experience yet). My boyfriend doesn’t have a degree but he is half French and speaks French fluently.

It seems like we don’t stand much chance – but could moving to the USA be possible?


Many thanks – any advice would be appreciated!

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I think with the French speaking qualifications it might be easier to find work in Canada - as its one of their big requirements to be able to enter without a work sponsored visa. Canada is like UK light. Has all the perks of the UK but in North America. I believe its easier for UK citizens to gain a work visa there then it would be for other countries.


Im hoping youre thinking of doing this a few years down the line? The Recession in the States is as bad as its here. If youre planning on going now, you would be fighting with others who have just been laid off and desperate for work and then finding an employer whose willing to sponsor you - which in the current economic state may be VERY hard as it is quite costly to process.


It is VERY hard, but tangible. So if the both of you want it bad enough it can be done.


I think, personally, Canada might be your best bet to gain employment without much hassle or restriction due to your language qualifications. If you were both specialised in Spanish, it might have been a little easier for you to find someone willing to sponsor your work visa, since Spanish is pretty much the 2nd unofficial language in the US






BTW if you do decide on the US you will have to apply for individual visas as the US government does not recognise un-married couples.


You might also want to try posting here for some advice and tips on the US Immigration process:


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We looked in to this a while ago and it is very difficult, although I know someone that managed it. It seems that if you have quite a bit of cash in the bank (i think it used to be around 50k) and a good business plan, you might make it.


I am thinking maybe if you became a resident in canada, it may be easier to get in to the Usa eventually, but I don't know.

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Makes more sense moving to Canada with being able to speak French, people give up trying to get into America after a while...takes too long, go to Canada then sneak into the US, it's just a short drive away :)


Sneak into America?! Ugh, you do know the Yanks are even harder on illegal immigrants than they are over here right? :rolleyes:

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I am thinking maybe if you became a resident in canada, it may be easier to get in to the Usa eventually, but I don't know.

Its just as hard, as Bush for some asinine reason made it HARDER for Canadians to obtain work & residency visas in the US - but laxed up on other countries. Canada in retaliation made it even harder for US citizens to do the same. though with Obama coming into power on tuesday morning, these rules may be relaxed once more.


Sneak into America?! Ugh, you do know the Yanks are even harder on illegal immigrants than they are over here right? :rolleyes:


only on those of hispanic descent and if they want to do more than just cut our lawns ;)

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