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Can we move to America?

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Wouldn'r recommend "sneaking" into the USA from Canada. To work in the US you need a green card (if immigrant) and a Social Security card. Assuming you could even find a job these days any potential employer would require you to produce these documents before hiring.


There are thousands of illegal aliens in the US mostly from the poor countries of South America. They generally do low paying menial jobs like janitorial work, clothing business sweat shops or picking fruit and vegetables on farms. Don't think you'd want to live a life like that and always with the thought that the Immigraion Department might one day catch up with you


Sorry to sound discouraging. The advice is well intended.

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I know a couple who went to live in America so they could be nearer to their children and found it extremely difficult to keep up with the financial side of things and ended up having to move back to England because it became too stressful for them. They also said that there was far too much paperwork and everything else that went with it.

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Thanks for your comments so far everyone! To those who have mentioned Canada - that is a good idea, but it isn't somewhere that we'd really consider living. It really is the USA that we're interested in. Unfortunately, it seems our chances are slim...

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Thanks for your comments so far everyone! To those who have mentioned Canada - that is a good idea, but it isn't somewhere that we'd really consider living. It really is the USA that we're interested in. Unfortunately, it seems our chances are slim...


Why not Canada? Loads of cities close to the US border for easy travel to and from the US and all different sorts of climates. Its not all snow and eskimos, you know? Toronto & Vancouver are some of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world (though the weather in Vancouver is much, much more milder than Toronto - more similar to weather here)


Plus, by working there you might make business contacts who could get you to where you really want to be. Something that really wouldnt happen living here in the UK


Dont give up.. If you want something bad enough, you can get it.

Have you thought about maybe both going back to school and trying to enter under the BUNAC program? I think the max you can stay is about 6 months, but it will give you a taste of living in the US and let you start making plans or interview for work to come back with

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I lived in Montreal for many years and still love the city whenever I get a chance to go up there. While in Monrreal working for an American company I was asked by them if I would like to do some work in New England. So I got a work permit and then applied for a green card, after the fight of my life I finally got it two years later. I've been a citizen now for over 30 years and would not like to live anywhere else.

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There's a considerable demand for professionals in the medical field. If it's a long term ambition to move to the US then invest in a state registered nursing course or in the pharmeceutical field. This would obviously take some time to achieve but both these professions are very well paid and there is a shortage which will probably never be completely filled. A Britsh trained registered nurse would have little trouble in obtaining a working resident visa or work when they arrived here

Many nurses in US hospitals come from China, The Phillipines, India or South America.

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Is he taking lodgers, now?




On a serious note, we went to America last year, and met a couple originally from Wigan, who now live in Tenessee. They have been american citizens for the last 5 years, although it took them as long as that to complete the beauracracy(sp). They too said they wouldn't move back to the UK either.

I must admit, we too have toyed with the idea of a move. We are going back this year for three weeks, so we will see if we still have our rose tinted specs on!



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