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Old school friends from 1950s


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I have been trying to remember the names of the people who were in my class at infant school from about 1950 to 1957. St Silas C of E on the corner of Young Street and Hodgson Street. So far I have remembered 22, icluding myself. I seem to remeber that there were over 30 in the class. Anyone out there with a better memory than me? Just to give you a pointer there were;- Jimmy Elwes, Lois Lambert, Margaret Billard, Albert Price.etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi pat

i knew almost all those names you put in your class at St Silas,because i lived on Moore St,and lived only 2 mins away from St Silas,but i went to Springfield School,but its nice seeing St Silas and the area being mentioned.

Good Luck With Your Search.

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  • 8 months later...
I have been trying to remember the names of the people who were in my class at infant school from about 1950 to 1957. St Silas C of E on the corner of Young Street and Hodgson Street. So far I have remembered 22, icluding myself. I seem to remeber that there were over 30 in the class. Anyone out there with a better memory than me? Just to give you a pointer there were;- Jimmy Elwes, Lois Lambert, Margaret Billard, Albert Price.etc.


Hi there I'm thinking grannypat is Pat Owen, this is Elaine Dewsnap, now Gordon. How well I remember the days of St Silas, you were a year ahead of me in school but I remember the names mentioned very well, I went "out" with Albert Price!


I remember the gang of Gloria, Linda, Robert (your cousin?), Paul and Brian, the great games of rounders we used to have on Humble Road.


Would love to hear from you or anyone else from that era.


I've been living in Australia for twenty years so don't get back to Sheffield very often.





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Hi Elaine,

I was thrilled to get your email. I was beginning to think that I was the last one left of the old gang. I have sent you a private message and look forward to hearing from you again. Perhaps some of the others might take your lead and want to get in touch if only to say "Hello".

Best wishes


Pat (grannypat)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...
Hi there I'm thinking granny pat is Pat Owen, this is Elaine Dewsnap, now Gordon. How well I remember the days of St Silas, you were a year ahead of me in school but I remember the names mentioned very well, I went "out" with Albert Price!


I remember the gang of Gloria, Linda, Robert (your cousin?), Paul and Brian, the great games of rounders we used to have on Humble Road.


Would love to hear from you or anyone else from that era.


I've been living in Australia for twenty years so don't get back to Sheffield very often.






My word Elaine now this is a blast from the past the last i heard about you was you had moved to Canada now i see you are out OZ i no longer live in Sheff myself i have lived in the W/Midlands for 5yrs now i remember the HAPPY hrs of playing Doctors & Nurses with Yourself,Linda & Gloria no idea what happened to Gloria but Linda married a postman Maurice and went to live in Immingham i attended her Moms funeral quite a few years ago i never knew that you went out with Albert Albert now lives near Mansfield and like myself is just recovering from Cancer in fact he had the great news only two weeks ago that he had been given the all clear i got the same news 3yrs ago it has took me back actually hearing from you on Pats posts i have a photo of a group outing to the coast i think with yourself & your mum with new baby in arms all the names Pat mentioned i,am new to this computer lark but if you can somehow get your E-Mail address to me i will forward it on to you i dont know if you are on Facebook but you can get in contact that way i have tried this sites private message service but some how i seem to be doing something wrong and nothing is going out i would love to hear from you again do you hear anything from your Ronnie & the rest of your clan until the next time TAKE CARE JACK HEWITT :help: .

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I have been trying to remember the names of the people who were in my class at infant school from about 1950 to 1957. St Silas C of E on the corner of Young Street and Hodgson Street. So far I have remembered 22, including myself. I seem to remember that there were over 30 in the class. Anyone out there with a better memory than me? Just to give you a pointer there were;- Jimmy Elwes, Lois Lambert, Margaret Billard, Albert Price.etc.


Hi Pat at one time Jimmy Elwes was transport manager for Central Transport on Staniforth rd but even that was a long time ago 20yrs or there abouts he was still a large ginger haired Gentleman :hihi: .

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