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Recommend a good curry house in Broomhill


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wheres the Rajput ? Also is indian chef BYOB ? Aint going into town ,as we fancy a quite few drinks after the meal but cheers for taking the time to reply.


Indian Chef certainly used to be BYOB - you used to be able to go in, order, go over the road for a quick pint, get another pint and take it back with you. Not sure if this is still the case.

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this guy is hilarious.


although I suspect he is a middle class fine arts student


is that buckfast in his avatar?




no-one south of the border drinks that!


I urge you all to read his other posts


He'll probably become a legend on here. I'm usless at spelling and had to almost teach myself as I got older, and I went to a good school. At least he's not affraid to try and he's entitled to his own opinion.


Actually, a study was done about the English way of spelling words and poirivdng you hvae the frsit and lsat lteetr of ecah wrod in the croerct odrer the btis in beweten can be jbumled up and it wlil stlil mkae snese.


Gud on yer lad.:thumbsup:


Sorry, a bit off topic.

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Balti K...if it is so awful as people seem to suggest then how come they are still in business??? Restaurants that are truly 'awful' are usually quick to disappear, so it seems a lot of people do like BK, and they have been there now for, not sure exactly but its well over 15 years isn't it??


I don't go very often any more myself as taken more of a shine to Chinese Food recently, but the fact it still seems to be thriving business does suggest they have a good base of satisfied customers......

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