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Able Seaman James Renshaw HMS Hunter


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I was saddened today to hear of the death of my husbands g-uncle James Renshaw aged 90, originally of Sheffield, a huge character who had an amazing wartime experience, being sunk in HMS Hunter in Narvik Fjord Norway, and after swimming in the freezing water for an hour he was picked up by a German warship and taken ashore. The Germans decided to intern the few survivors in Sweden which meant a weeks forced march through the snow in -12c, practically naked following the shipwreck. He survived 2.5 years in a camp in Sweden, then escaped back to England, but could no longer fight as they had been forced to sign that they would no longer bear arms against Germany.


After the war he joined the Merchant Navy and was in that until he retired.


I always remember taking him to Aunt Sally's, and him sending back his fish to the kitchen, declaring that he hadn't spent 45 years at sea protecting the fishing fleet for them to treat fish like that!


RIP Jim.


His wartime story is told at




the third entry on the page.

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