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Wanted - World War 2 Stories

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Tell Your Family War Story - for Future Generations


Just a reminder that this year is the 60th Anniversary of the end of World War II. May 8th marks the formal celebration of the Allies' victory in Europe during World War II.


Hitler had committed suicide on April 30. His successor, Admiral Karl Doenitz sent an offer of unconditional surrender on May 7, 1945, in Rheims, France....and on 8th May the War was declared over. ( VE Day is Sunday May 8th and VJ Day is 15th August)


But where were YOU or members of your family, and what were you or they doing during that time, at home or abroad.


The BBC has recruited a team of volunteer story-gatherers to meet veterans and anyone with war story at home or abroad. We can arrange to interview people . Call the Yorkshire People's Warline on 0845 3004475 for more info or email actiondesk.sheffield@bbc.co.uk


The BBC's People's War team ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2) is looking for the ordinary stories of life during the second world war...of heroism and from the home front. The aim of the BBC's People's War web site is to capture and preserve for future generations the stories of people who lived through the war. The site will be closed down in 2006 so the need to get ordinary stories experiences memories and recollections is very urgent.


They need the stories of factory workers, bevin boys, ARP Wardens, shopkeepers, homemakers, land army girls and war heroes and the memories of ordinary people.


Tell us YOUR story or that of your relatives, if it hasn't yet been told.


If you have medals, artifacts or memorabilia tell us about them. We can meet one to one with people or send a People's War story form for you to write your own story.

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Guest poppins

My Aunty Vera was in the ATS, her name was Vera Coyle, then

Vera Dean.


I just remember her bringing a great big ATS doll home with her all dressed up in the uniform.

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