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Looking for an old school friend who went to maltby st school in the 60s


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Mornin all, can any of you remember the Sally Army standin on street corners on a Sunday mornin? all the kids gathered round them, singing along n watching them playing their tambourines etc :lol: positively Dickensian! my kids cant believe it .......... as for whitsuntide, we all got a complete new outfit, got many an old photo of us stood against front wall as tho we facing firing squad to have our pic taken :D then we went knocking on neighbours doors (everyone was 'auntie' then) n when door was opened, standing to attention n gratefully accepting the pennies offered *sigh* happy memories ..........

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Robert Beck, how can I forget, lived on next street to me 'Ebury Street'. Robert had an older brother who was Down's syndrome, I think. I used to knock about with another boy on Ebury Street,year older but can't think of his name yet, It'll come.

Come on more names.


Gary Staniland had Downs, Susan Staniland was his sister. They lived on Ebury Street ...........

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Thats right Lyn, i remember Susan and Gary. Who was your best friend at school then Lyn? and yours Harry?. Harry do you remember Craig Douglas?. i would be about 7 or 8 i think, he got hit by a car and killed i remember the teacher telling us all about it at school,think it happened on Newhall road. Craig was in our class. I seem to remember that Robert Becks brother did have some kind of health problem though. Robert lived on Clay Street too.

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Thats right Lyn, i remember Susan and Gary. Who was your best friend at school then Lyn? and yours Harry?. Harry do you remember Craig Douglas?. i would be about 7 or 8 i think, he got hit by a car and killed i remember the teacher telling us all about it at school,think it happened on Newhall road. Craig was in our class. I seem to remember that Robert Becks brother did have some kind of health problem though. Robert lived on Clay Street too.


My best friend was Jill Fisher from top of Leigh Street, other really good mates were June Marrison (Liverpool St), Von Fish (Sharon was in my year), Gillian Grain (top of Clay Street) other names ......... Susan White, Julie Athey, Eileen Taylor, Michael Flaherty (corner shop-Liverpool St/Clay St), Elaine Stringer (corner Liverpool St/Brompton Rd) - sadly Elaine & Michael no longer with us. few more names, Alan Parkin, Alan Beadsley, Kathryn Gough, Jacqueline Fields, Gary Browse, Cheryl Fawcett, Keith Hall. Can you remember 'Larnie' who lived at bottom of Leigh St (we used to slide down tip n finish up in his back yard) he had one leg shorter than other & used to chase us outta yard, we must have been a bloody nuisance but boy did we have fun, Mr Outram sat outside his corner shop (corner Swallow St/Newhall Rd), memories of taking a bowl up to Hill Top Dairy n takin short cut back home (again down tip) ....... over to you folks, I'm gettin sledges out :clap: :clap: :clap:

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i am looking for an old friend who attended maltby street school in the 60s her name then was Christine Hayes,does anyone know her? I lived on Clay street and Christine lived close but i cant remember which road she lived on. I would also like to hear from anyone else who went to maltby street school. I remember Yvonne Fish,Ruth Stott, Jean Horner, Peter Rodgers, Diane Senior, Andrew Clayton,Patrick Dalton, Caroline Sontagg and Inga Malia. The Head master i think was Mr Wild and there was Mrs Marriot and Mrs Worrall but i cant really remember any others. Can anyone jog my memory?. I was at maltby street from probably 1961/2 to 1967 and i was Lynda mitchell then. I would also be interested to hear from anyone who lived on clay street i remember the James family and the meynells and the Gilbeys i moved from attercliffe around 1970.


Hi, I am a private Investigator, specialist in tracing missing persons.. can i assist you?

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