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Looking for an old school friend who went to maltby st school in the 60s


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Evenin all !! i spent a good few hours on "tip"with keith n gary being run off by the old fella ,thought we called him somethin different though ,cant remember what.used to have great games of 'iddie on there round garages.ive remembered also Andrew Simnett,Edward Lister who used to work at Brookhouse Colliery wth me up till '85,Michael Pearson ,Jane &Jacqueline Wilson , not related i think.and Harry your pal from Ebury St was it Peter Gibson ??

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Thats right Lyn, i remember Susan and Gary. Who was your best friend at school then Lyn? and yours Harry?. Harry do you remember Craig Douglas?. i would be about 7 or 8 i think, he got hit by a car and killed i remember the teacher telling us all about it at school,think it happened on Newhall road. Craig was in our class. I seem to remember that Robert Becks brother did have some kind of health problem though. Robert lived on Clay Street too.


I do remember a boy being killed( and mentioned at school) but had forgotten his name. I think Craig used to live off the common round the corner from clay street, was there an undertakers there? I think I went to his house a few times.

anyway best friends, mmm cetainly Steve Howe, Dave Malia and a guy called Mick Downes who lived up Old Hall Road. Keith Hall I knew quite well and Jono of course from the year below. Just thought of another girl who lived close by Chrisitine Judge, was she in our class Lynda? What was the name of the cafe with the pin ball machines at the top of Newhal Road, across from the baths? Diana Senior I also remember now, wasn't she a good friend of Jean Hobsons?

Did you ever make a guy for bonfire night and stand outside the pubs aking for a penny, i once got 2 and 6 from a drunk. Also had a few paper rounds, when I got older and worked on Saturdays in an upholsterers for a few bob.

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Evenin all !! i spent a good few hours on "tip"with keith n gary being run off by the old fella ,thought we called him somethin different though ,cant remember what.used to have great games of 'iddie on there round garages.ive remembered also Andrew Simnett,Edward Lister who used to work at Brookhouse Colliery wth me up till '85,Michael Pearson ,Jane &Jacqueline Wilson , not related i think.and Harry your pal from Ebury St was it Peter Gibson ??


Got to admire your memory Jono, yep Peter Gibson, well I never. I used to play chess with him and knock about with a 'Hells Angel', geezer who also lived in Gibbos yard. Bet you don't know his name Jono?

Peter got a job as a grinder somewhere in town when he was 15.

God this thread is stirring long forgotton memories.

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I remember Christine Judge. Steve Howe had a sister i think Harry, i know the cafe you mention but cant remember the name. Certainly remember bonfire nights standing outside the Tram car pub with the guy, some of the drunks could be quite generous. Do you remember Irene Coleman Harry she was in our class.

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Evenin all !! i spent a good few hours on "tip"with keith n gary being run off by the old fella ,thought we called him somethin different though ,cant remember what.used to have great games of 'iddie on there round garages.ive remembered also Andrew Simnett,Edward Lister who used to work at Brookhouse Colliery wth me up till '85,Michael Pearson ,Jane &Jacqueline Wilson , not related i think.and Harry your pal from Ebury St was it Peter Gibson ??


Hiya Ian, heard from Andrew Simnett last year, he's working for Kirklees Council, got his works e mail address. Michael Pearson, lived above the Funeral Parlour? Pete Gibson? can't remember him but am in regular touch with his cousin (who can't believe I'd never heard of him). The bloke on the tip was Cheyanne (Larnie was the bloke who sold newspapers outside Sandersons) Jane Wilson (no relation to Jacqueline) has her own business, I rec'd a lovely letter from her, her nans sister lives next door to me ................

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We used to go in Barneys Herbalist for a saspirilla in the evenings (wot a rock n roll lifestyle we led eh) :banana: Barneys was on Leeds Rd, just passed Library, facing Brown Baileys gates ................ Can you remember Jane Adkins? brother Jimmy, sister Sue .......... Megan Maule? Gawd, I'm on a roll now :)

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Hi Lyn. I remember Cheyanne.


we must have made that blokes life a misery :( not maliciously but just being a nuisance, no-one else in the yard seemed to bother but he was a man on a mission! We were like greased lightnin, sliding down tip n then straight down entry wi-out being seen. We should be so lucky, he must've had a built in radar, he was out that back door like Jack Flash :D

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Got to admire your memory Jono, yep Peter Gibson, well I never. I used to play chess with him and knock about with a 'Hells Angel', geezer who also lived in Gibbos yard. Bet you don't know his name Jono?

Peter got a job as a grinder somewhere in town when he was 15.

God this thread is stirring long forgotton memories.


Harry, do you remember Pete Gibsons cousin, Ian Watson?

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