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Fantastic programme on FX about the underworld in Australia.

All based on true events, very hard hitting drama.

I`m loving the sexy Benji :love:

Anyone else an Underbelly fan?


I've only caught bits of it, I haven't got hooked yet because I haven't really got to know the characters.

So far all I've seen is sex, violence and expletives.....still some might like that mixture!;)


Another show I can't really get into or understand is the very strange, "John from Cinncinati."


Everytime I watched an episode I'm left thinking......now what the hell was that all about!:mad:

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If you haven't watched all of Underbelly (and in the order it was laid out) then it will probably make no sense at all as there are lots of people involved and a number of them (including Benji) are doing jobs or taking hits from all the different gang members at the same time.


I was amazed to find out how recent the events that Underbelly is based on actually happened- it's only 2000-2004 in Melbourne. Most of the characters are in their real names (with the exception of the Running Man and his accomplice, who were prevented from being named by a court order).


It's rather bloody and brutal on occasions, but it's still interesting.


EDIT- and no, we couldn't work out John from Cinncinatti either.

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I have to say that I think it's one of the finest TV shows I have seen in a very long while. The casting and the acting have been fantastic as this video shows.


If you enjoyed the TV show then the book is excellent and the film Chopper starring Eric Bana tells the story of the Melbourne Gang Wars up to the shooting of Greg Workman by Alphonse Gangitano.

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  • 8 months later...
If you haven't watched all of Underbelly (and in the order it was laid out) then it will probably make no sense at all as there are lots of people involved and a number of them (including Benji) are doing jobs or taking hits from all the different gang members at the same time.


I was amazed to find out how recent the events that Underbelly is based on actually happened- it's only 2000-2004 in Melbourne. Most of the characters are in their real names (with the exception of the Running Man and his accomplice, who were prevented from being named by a court order).


It's rather bloody and brutal on occasions, but it's still interesting.


EDIT- and no, we couldn't work out John from Cinncinatti either.


The men who killed Lewis Moran and Lewis Caine were


Evangelos Goussis


His accomplice was Keith Faure


Faure turned states evidence regarding the murder of Lewis Caine


The running man would appear to be Victor Brincat


His driver, the bearded man who is not named in the show, is Thomas Hentschell .


Major hats off to the casting department. I found this on youtube it's a video comparing the real people to their characters in the show.

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i caught underbelly when i was in Australia last year. At the time it was showing they were unable to show the series in Victoria as the hearing was still going on.


I bought the DVD off amazon last week and have been watching it since then. i am looking forward to getting my mitts on series 2 (a tale of 2 cities). I only managed to watch half the series as my visa ran out but from what i saw it was just as good as underbelly :):)


Its basically about what was going on in the late 70' & 80's and the war between Sydney & Melbourne !!!!

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