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Pubs Closing Down

romeo one

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Enterprise are nothing but greedy They wanted £250,000 for the lease on the Cross Sythes and £700 pounds per week rent on top of that u r tied in to buy all your beers wine etc thro them. As someone else said they are creating their own downfall. Good Luck to Sam Smiths pubs.

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Enterprise are nothing but greedy They wanted £250,000 for the lease on the Cross Sythes and £700 pounds per week rent on top of that u r tied in to buy all your beers wine etc thro them. As someone else said they are creating their own downfall. Good Luck to Sam Smiths pubs.


Sam Smiths is a no frills low cost business model. They don't have TVs or music so don't have to pay for licences, only sell their own brand drinks and deliver them to the pubs in large volume, don't advertise and expect their managers to work long hours to keep down the number of staff they have to employ. All these savings are passed on to the customers who enjoy cheap drinks but little choice of products and a basic pub experience.


Enterprise Inns is a tenanted pub estate and whilst they are little more than a property company, they make their money selling wet stock to the pub at quite a mark up, although in many cases this is offset by lower than market price for the rent.


Anyone going into a pub business leased from Enterprise should really have done their research and know the trade before committing themselves, some landlords who have failed in an Enterprise pub simply hadn't thought their business plan through.


However others have failed because of unexpected increases in stock prices or rent, or an unsupportive area manager that won't let them respond to customer demand. This is where Enterprise really should be examining how they do business, along with perhaps being more selective on who they let take on their pubs...

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  • 2 weeks later...
along with perhaps being more selective on who they let take on their pubs...


Pub Companies are genuinely not the slightest bit interested in anyone who does not have the cash they want....someone who has run 20 or more pubs with 40 years experience and who would do a great job but perhaps does not have all the cash required would be rejected in favour of someone who had never worked in a bar in their life, as long as they had the cash!!! This happens all the time and its one of the reasons why so many pubs fail, because Pub Companies shove almost anyone in their pubs, most with zero experience, but only as they know the new tenant will FAIL and then they can boot him out, keep his money, and move the next mug in once they have handed over their life savings.....the Pub Co business model is in fact....in a nutshell..

"If they have the cash up front, fleece them and give them the keys and wait for them to fail, while we line up the next muppet eager to throw his money at us"

Nice little earner for the Pub Company.....who cares if they dont sell any beer to anyone other than landlords at disgusting high prices and they have to pour it away as its too expensive to sell.......

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