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Pubs Closing Down

romeo one

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When you look at it, pubs closing down may not be a bad thing.


When you see what happens when drunk, ie, getting drunk, spending money you don't have, getting into debt, getting into a fight, urinating on your next door neighbours car on the way home........then its a good way of dealing with anti social behavour.


Also, long term illnesses like serosis of the liver will also be avoided if pubs close down

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'The real reason that pubs are in decline is that most of us have better things to do. Whenever I go into a pub - and I admit this is rare – the bar stools are occupied by raddled old soaks just waiting to fall into a passing ambulance and become a burden on the NHS. The food is predictable and overpriced. The atmosphere is dull. So being neither alcohol-dependent nor especially sociable, I just fail to see the attraction.


But aside from my own tastes and prejudices I just cannot see how anybody can make money out of running a pub. The cost of the building and its upkeep, the rates, the insurance, the staff wages and everything else must come to tens of thousands and I just fail to see how you can pull enough pints or sell enough ploughman’s lunches to get it all back – unless, that is, you can almost literally pour it down the neck of binge drinkers on a Friday night.


No, I am afraid the brutal truth is that pubs are struggling because there are too many of them, and because not enough people want to spend their evenings in them. They will not go into extinction. But like bingo halls, bowler hats, pigeon racing and dirty week-ends in Brighton they seem increasingly to belong to a lost age.'

taken from Tom Bulford's free daily email, ‘Penny Sleuth’.


'Five pubs a day are closing and as many as 7,500 may disappear by 2012, says the British Beer & Pub Association.With many premises boarded up and for sale at knockdown prices, now is a good time to buy a pub for conversion into a spectacular home, flats or live/work space.Big chains have gradually replaced traditional breweries as the main operators of Britain’s 57,000 pubs.


They have been hit hard by beer tax hikes, smoking bans, cheap supermarket booze and the economic downturn, with plummeting beer sales at their lowest since the Thirties, and are making vast disposals.

These companies, often owned by banks, were more interested in pubs as property investments than in pints but with savage cuts in property values they are now hit from both angles.Publican tenants are even volunteering to hand back the keys because they cannot make a living from the business, reports the Campaign for Real Ale.Many pubs are being sold freehold with vacant possession, while others have short 'fag-end' leases where the freehold can eventually be acquired...'


Daily Mail




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But I was inviting others to make comments.......lets just say I am in general agreement with the articles from my perspective...


Says the man that runs two pubs!

Why shouldn't other publicans have as much success as your goodself?

As for pub co's they need to look at their pub model and need to change it fast before the the whole thing collapses around them.I cannot even begin to understand the pub co's anti competition stance.

Whilst they carry on bleeding their current tenants due to leasing agreements sooner rather than later a total collapse may ensue and in my opinion it may well be what they deserve.


At least Pubco's are good for their competitors whom not only work on more profitable margins but it makes them look cheap!

Long live the pubco's!

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Now that the BEC enquiry has lambasted the Pubcos, i forsee the end of the tie and Pubcos in the not forseeable future. No doubt they will go down fighting, and getting assistance from CAMRA, BII & other reputable organisations who should know better, will prolong the fight.


btw.....its 7 pubs a day now.

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Says the man that runs two pubs!

Why shouldn't other publicans have as much success as your goodself?

As for pub co's they need to look at their pub model and need to change it fast before the the whole thing collapses around them.


it depends how you measure success really. lets just say you wont become a millionaire running pubs, unless you have a portfolio of perhaps 20 of them or more.


Most people who take on pubs these days tend to have a lot of money behind them, because in the early stages a pub will swallow money at a phenomenal rate....so many people fail because they are never told an awful lot of truth about the business models they are getting into, and even in this climate, it amazes me that people still take on pubs and expect to be in profit within a month:loopy: It takes a far far longer period than that just to get your investment back never mind making a profit...


Pub co's dont want you to know that of course......they will just use the word 'profit' a lot at eager potential clients..


They exist so that you do all the work for them and they get fat on the sales of their beer and from their extortionate rent incomes.....these pub cos are not stupid...they KNOW how much any outlet will make at its max turnover level and they factor this in so that even if you are rammed 7 nights a week, you will still make no money while they get fatter and fatter......

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it'd be nice to make minimum wage and avoid bankrupcy from running a pub, many pubco tied publicans in the UK aren't even doing that. I'd imagine that a free of tie publican could achieve this base level of income quite swiftly if they were competent.

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