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Pubs Closing Down

romeo one

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Far too many people going into running pubs without a clue. End of. We wouldn't be worried about people going into other trades with their heads up their ar**s so why are we worried about pubs. People see a sign outside saying run this pub, their little heart goes, "I could run that, it looks easy and I'm good with people" never run a business before and have no idea how hard running a pub is.


Yes because every struggling publican conforms to that harsh stereotype don't they? The fact is that the vast majority pubco owned pubs have sizeable annual turnovers as a direct result of the tennants being hard working, intelligent and innovative business people- but the bulk of that revenue goes to the pubcos because of the aforementioned immoral business model and the rest is then taken up by running costs or doesn't even cover them.

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The pubco-tied business model is inept, greedy and immoral and will soon be illegal. And no person deserves to be made homeless and bankrupt if they are a victim of it.


Here here!!!! The Pub Co business model is a disgusting example of capitalist exploitation of the highest degree! They exist purely to make money and take money from anyone who has any to invest in a pub. Yes, the day they are declared illegal will be a NATIONAL DAY in the UK in a very big sense.....street parties will abound, and the great British Pub that are rapidly vanishing like snowballs on a Greek beach MAY be saved from total obliteration.

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I understand that - surely it is up to prospective tennants to investigate this kind of thing and check the terms of the contract, perhaps even conferring with a legal expert? the pubcos aren't forcing them into signing these contracts. i agree with you the model is all wrong though, but no person should sign such life changing contracts without full investigation.


A legal expert can only tell a person what's in the contract and what that means at face value; what they cannot tell them is what is not in the contract or how a pubco will manipulate that contract to the person's detriment in practice. Granted, the person could consult with other publicans tied to other pubs from the same pubco (if they know any, but what if they do not? An unsollicited approach to some random landloard may not be welcomed or they may not give a thorough and honest account of the truth of the matter) prior to signing- but the contracts are not all identical and pubcos and their reps treat different tennants of different premises in different ways.

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Far too many people going into running pubs without a clue. End of. We wouldn't be worried about people going into other trades with their heads up their ar**s so why are we worried about pubs. People see a sign outside saying run this pub, their little heart goes, "I could run that, it looks easy and I'm good with people" never run a business before and have no idea how hard running a pub is.


Very true, and the Pubco's play on this and actively seek new applicants who are clueless to the Industry, but will lumps sum via redundancy payoffs etc, which they will milk over the coming months. Most of these dont survive for more than a couple of years, they become bankrupt and the cycle starts all over again.



Should this be allowed to happen though??? Public listed companies should not ever be allowed to do this.

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You never know if they get desperate enough!!!!

I wonder if there is a world record yet for the number of managers or tenants in one pub during one year.......a fast change of hands every month or so...I think the most changes I know of is one pub in Sheffield that had changed hands 4 times in one year!!


I can think of one at Hackenthorpe that's had 6 in last 12 months and 10 in last 2 years, and that's actual DPS changes, not including managers which they've had too.

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Anyway, they are going to leave the pub as a shell, as they own everything apart from the bar, toilets...

Enterprise are greedy and they run ALL the pubs in Totley so have a monopoly on the area.

Mr & Mrs Ball and Wayne Hodgekins have worked damned hard over the last 12 months to make this pub work and the owners have literally strangled the life out of it.

I will be there when the Ball's sell off all the inside, which will be very soon i should think.

Let as many of us be there to help with the shelling of the Fleur so Enterprise cannot just simply move the next batch in to the slaughter.

It'll cost 'em £10.000 or more to re-fit it.

Let's help to screw Enterprise!!!

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Anyway, they are going to leave the pub as a shell, as they own everything apart from the bar, toilets...

Enterprise are greedy and they run ALL the pubs in Totley so have a monopoly on the area.

Mr & Mrs Ball and Wayne Hodgekins have worked damned hard over the last 12 months to make this pub work and the owners have literally strangled the life out of it.

I will be there when the Ball's sell off all the inside, which will be very soon i should think.

Let as many of us be there to help with the shelling of the Fleur so Enterprise cannot just simply move the next batch in to the slaughter.

It'll cost 'em £10.000 or more to re-fit it.

Let's help to screw Enterprise!!!


And Enterprise will 'sell' it on Admiral Taverns who will really run it into the ground. They'll give the keys to anyone who is happy to have roof over their head. Give it 6 months and apply to turn it into flats.

Another once cracking Pub lost.

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And Enterprise will 'sell' it on Admiral Taverns who will really run it into the ground. They'll give the keys to anyone who is happy to have roof over their head. Give it 6 months and apply to turn it into flats.

Another once cracking Pub lost.


Its better shelling it rather than leaving it spic and span so Enterprise can get another lot of mugs in to run it, until they fall like the rest.

Its a damn shame, but at least we know the noose is slowly but surely going to be put round Enterprise and the like's necks.

Their days of screwing is almost over. A new era is coming in for the blessed pub!

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