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A crime of instinct.


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Yet again, apologies for being a bit elusive lately, but it has been a busy couple of months.

Anyway, I have had a go at this month’s theme; I think it fits the criteria, so you are all invited to read, digest and pick it to bits. You can be pedantic on this one.

Bain sult as.




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Very atmospheric, Coyleys, and ultimately very entertaining too.


I particularly liked this line:


"His father had been selected for forced labour down the coal mines of Europe."


First time through that was a heart-breaking moment, whereas second time through it was a real gas! :roll:

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did you twig on before the punch line?


Hi Coyleys,


No, I didn't twig until the very end... but then I am very slow (and gullible).


I suppose from your previous stories I should have expected something mischievous. It was remarkable how reading it through the second time was like reading a new story. I loved it.


Masterful, Coyleys, masterful :thumbsup:

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I enjoyed this story but I admit I had worked out the scene quite quickly. It is a hideous crime that you've depicted - in some parts of the world one can expect multiple life sentences for serincide, I believe.

But don't get me started on the pussyfooting of the authorities regarding such crimes. Bring back the...


Sorry, I must go and lie down...

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