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Firey Jack, playground, Brunswick Road

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This is an old railway tunnel that runs from Walker Street to Carlisle Street and was running in the 1960s.

I'm not to interested in the actuall tunnel but does anyone remember the childrens playground at the side of the railway.

It was there until about 1970 and they demolished it when they built the new one at the rear of Marcus Drive.

It seemed a lonely place to put a playground which another lonely playground was the one on Parkwood Springs.

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Originally posted by Nimrod

I think this is the playground we used to call "Wembley". I was only a young un - must have been around 1954- I went to Pye Bank school.

Yeah that rings a bell now you mention it.

There must have been houses quite close to that railway before the built the maisonettes above to warrent putting a playground there so close to the railway lines.

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The Firery Jack tunnel doe's not run from Walker St. to Carlisle St.

it run's from the bottom of Brunswick Rd. under the Bull rock's and ends at the back of Hartwell's the Vauxhall dealers, just past the Wicker. The tunnel is bricked up at the Wicker end. I dont know when the last time it was used but I am pretty sure it was before the 60's The Wembley play ground was on Orborn St. off Marcus St.

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Not OSBORN St. never heard of it. It's Oborne St. spelt it wrong myself the first time. If you look on Picture Sheffield you will find I am right. I know that area like the back of my hand, having spent many years growing up round there in the 50's & 60's.

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