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Thorncliffe Colliery

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I wonder if any one can help??


I'm looking for old photos of the Thorncliffe colliery near Chapeltown. Anything will do. I'm especially interested in pictures of the tops of the shafts and adits that were located on the site.


Any help is much appreciated.

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If your talking about the coal mine situated within the Thorncliffe works, I remember it was a Drift mine and Colliers used to walk down to the coal face and the coal left the pit in a bucket chain that went all the way to the Woodall Duckams coke ovens.. There was none of the usual type pit head gear... I was an apprentice in the Machine Shop at Thorncliffe when the mine was closed down about 1955 'ish..When the pit buildings were demolished by Dynamite,some chunks of concrete came through the glass roof of the machine shop ... Got no photo's tho..Just memories.

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Thanks for the reply. Do you remember a disused shaft at the rear of the site. It may have been a large mound with a slope or ramp up to it between two small brick buildings? I have a map from 1956 that shows the whole site if you would like a copy?



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Originally posted by ironside

I wonder if any one can help??


I'm looking for old photos of the Thorncliffe colliery near Chapeltown. Anything will do. I'm especially interested in pictures of the tops of the shafts and adits that were located on the site.


Any help is much appreciated.


I suggest you contact the Chapeltown and high green archive society (Ask jeeves)


If Thorncliffe is of interest to you, look at My website



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