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Are you a domestic goddess?

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I could do the housework, I just choose not to.


It's boring and pointless. I know where things are when they're in piles on the floor, and a bit of dirt helps the immune system.


I'd also love a cleaner but for some reason my boyfriend is against the idea. For some reason he thinks that two childless people should be able to keep their small flat clean. The crazy fool ;)

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If your OH is happy with it, dont worry about it. Like i say to my OH, nobodys perfect.


Exactly. If he'd wanted a domestic goddess, he could have married the cleaning lady. And as we are dining out again tonight, any culinary skills that I might possess would be totally wasted.

I bet Nigella can't play the violin.

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Am I a wierdo or am I the only bloke who actually enjoys housework? I go into Home Bargains and shudder with delight if theres a new cleaning product out and I spend about a fiver a week on a bleach spray called Whizz alone- there are bottles of Domestos and disinfectant by the dozen under my kitchen sink and I put two blue bog blocks into my kharzi systerns each week and go ballistic if the water goes clear.


I wash dishes and mugs just seconds after theyve been used and and almost premanantly smell of detergent or bleach.



Tell me Im not alone in this!!!!

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Am I a wierdo or am I the only bloke who actually enjoys housework? I go into Home Bargains and shudder with delight if theres a new cleaning product out and I spend about a fiver a week on a bleach spray called Whizz alone- there are bottles of Domestos and disinfectant by the dozen under my kitchen sink and I put two blue bog blocks into my kharzi systerns each week and go ballistic if the water goes clear.


I wash dishes and mugs just seconds after theyve been used and and almost premanantly smell of detergent or bleach.



Tell me Im not alone in this!!!!


Are you married?:love:

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Nope. I clear clutter and hoover when the carpet colour is obscured by cat fur. Life's too short to worry about getting your toilet squeaky clean.


Have you seen that ad, by the way? Some toilet cleaner which deals with the stains you can't see. If you can't see them, why are you fretting about them? And is it still a stain if it's invisible? Madness!


Cooking: that's what M&S was invented for.

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I usually live in organised chaos which my mother insists is just my excuse for being lazy. I should work on my tidying skills, really.


As for cooking, I love it. One has to when you live alone and dont fancy eating convenience meals every night. Seriously though, I like to experiment in the kitchen... so much so that my name is Nigella when I get that pinny on :)

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I hate cleaning, and I'm not very tidy, neither are the kids, I am a pretty good cook and make most things, but do have fishfingers and oven chips in the freezer for when i just can't be bothered. I don't know what the big deal about housework is, it's not hard work to keep on top of things, an hour or so a day (reluctantly in my case) usually does it.

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I hate cleaning, and I'm not very tidy, neither are the kids, I am a pretty good cook and make most things, but do have fishfingers and oven chips in the freezer for when i just can't be bothered. I don't know what the big deal about housework is, it's not hard work to keep on top of things, an hour or so a day (reluctantly in my case) usually does it.


I think the word you are looking for with regards to housework is "BORING". I mean, there are many more exciting and wonderous things one could be doing with their time.

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