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Are you a domestic goddess?

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I love to cook and I find cleaning therapeutic. There's nothing like throwing on some old clothes and giving the bathtub a good scrub! :hihi: I always get my craving to clean at night for some reason. :suspect:


What you doing tonight? I can make you an offer you can't refuse :hihi:

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I'm just a goddess. There's no need to qualify it :hihi:


Seriously, life is too short to live in a show home. I admit that I'm lazy, but I'd rather be outside than in, I've got plenty of things I'd rather to than housework so I do the minimum!


Cooking is not a chore though.

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  • 7 months later...

i really enjoy cooking, and love to see other people enjoying my cooking. my daughter always tells me she thinks im the best cook in the world!(she may be a little biased). im not so hot on cleaning but it has to be done dsnt it. i do love the smell of freshly washed clothes/bedding, and once i get started theres no stopping me. its usually all a mess again in minutes in our house though!.

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Ask John X on here and he will tell you that i am useless when it comes to cooking lol.

I hate it when he is away on tour as i have to fend for myself which normally results in take away food and chocolate.


Come back soon Mr X as i m withering away without you :hihi:

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