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Music Thread (with videos)


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At last, someone with good taste has uploaded the whole of this totally obscure yet totally amazing space rock album onto Youtube. I bought a copy of this in the mid-1980s and have never seen another one since.


This is the sort of album which would make a good case for free downloading really - it's all but unobtainable and has never been reissued on CD, and Random Radar records who issued it in 1980 have long since ceased to exist, so making it a free download would have no financial implications for the artists at all, but would make it available for a whole new generation of people to enjoy.



Side 1


Side 2

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Come Back Baby


With out you in the dead of night

Sleep just won't come to my eyes

Even if this darkness swallows me

I won't give up on you

Nor this burning love


I know the sun will once again rise

When I touch your hand my heart will burn

I know everything will once again come to life

When I hold you tears will well up in your eyes


I march across the night

I let loose my suns

I see each rose as it opens

I march across the night

I expose the evil

I destroy each false passion


Come back baby

Come back; I'm lost

If this is being without you it won't last so

Come back baby

The pain overflows

Come come back baby

I'm pregnant with longin

Edited by B_Girl_Turco
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