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Missing breakfast and lunch - can you do it?

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Whenever I'm off work for a few day's stint I tend to sleep in till 10ish, and just drink water until my evening meal at 7pm. This alone gets rid of that annoying belly podge that builds up over time.


Add 20 mins of exercise to the day and you should have no problem trimming down.


At first, you will be absolutely ravenous during the afternoon and will be tempted to snack to fill the void. But don't. Test your willpower and keep yourself occupied. Meditation helps.


Also, don't be tempted to have a huge evening meal to make up for the lack of food earlier. Just have the usual meat and veg or whatever it is you usually have. Treat yourself to a nice pudding. Have a small, light snack before bed. All in all, you should only have consumed about 1000 calories in the entire day.


As you can probably tell, I'm not a dietician, but follow my "plan" and you'll be saying "pffffft" everytime you see a dietician prattle on about the next big fad.


Good luck!

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It sounds like common sense epiphany, but the dieticians say we should do the 3 square meals a day, blah, blah, blah...personally I believe it's just as bad to eat out of habit and at the time of typing, I've forgotten that I've not had lunch today (better go seek out a bag of pork scratchings :lol:), so I agree with you.


If I have the 3 meals a day, my last one is still a monster one whether I've had my bowl of muesli and tuna salad or not! Mind you, my eating regime might be the cause of my being a lardy arse :hihi:

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I quite often don't have time for breakfast in a morning, then don't have chance for a lunch break at work. Though i do try to eat something healthy like fruit for breakfast and have something light for lunch, then a decent evening meal. Isn't it better to eat litte and often rather than cut out meals entirely, something to do with the metabolism?

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If I have the 3 meals a day, my last one is still a monster one whether I've had my bowl of muesli and tuna salad or not!


Exactly, same with me. Regardless of what I've eaten from getting up to evening meal, the evening meal fills me up. It's just getting to that point that requires the willpower to keep food intake minimal.

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Is this any good for you mentally though? There have been a lot of studies which now show many behavioural and learning problems youngsters suffer are often down to the simple fact of them not having a decent breakfast with some low GI carbs in it. Which is why a lot of schools for years now have been running breakfast clubs.

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Is this any good for you mentally though? There have been a lot of studies which now show many behavioural and learning problems youngsters suffer are often down to the simple fact of them not having a decent breakfast with some low GI carbs in it. Which is why a lot of schools for years now have been running breakfast clubs.


Yeh I probably wouldn't recommend this for growing kids.

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I quite often don't have time for breakfast in a morning, then don't have chance for a lunch break at work. Though i do try to eat something healthy like fruit for breakfast and have something light for lunch, then a decent evening meal. Isn't it better to eat litte and often rather than cut out meals entirely, something to do with the metabolism?


Yes, that's the theory lyndsay, but my trouble is eating little and often leaves me feeling starving..so for me its counter productive from a weight loss point of view!

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