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Missing breakfast and lunch - can you do it?

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I could do it, but I'd be clawing at the fridge by the time dinner time rolled around, and I'd be too tired and grouchy to think about exercise.


Why would you make things intentionally difficult for yourself when you're trying to lose weight?

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I eat when I'm hungry .. full stop .. am a terrible grazer and can't be bothered cooking if it's just for me. The youngest daughter is the same as I am whereas the elder cooked herself a chicken stir fry from scratch last night, just for herself.


I'm lucky to have a husband who loves to cook otherwise we'd live off of ready meals and meals out if we needed substantial food.

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I didn't at all on saturday and had only one meal sunday, I know somebody who reguarly eats only once a day and I'd say he is borderline anorexic.


I only follow this routine when I notice some belly or tit podge. The point is, it only has to be done for a few days to have an effect (although granted everyone will be different).

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