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Missing breakfast and lunch - can you do it?

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Occasionally I've gone without breakfast and lunch before going for a swim. Afterwards I feel great, actually hungry for a change and a bit lightheaded.


Probably not a good idea to do it too often though

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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I don't like eating in a morning and often only feel hungry once I've eaten something, if i don't eat all day I'm not bothered about eating at all. However this is a dreadful diet, i'm overweight and i'm trying to eat breakfast every day to see if that makes a difference. So far people have commented at work that I have lost some and although i'm not technically on a diet by any means (unless it's called the chocolate diet), I am trying to eat more regularly and more rounded meals to get my metabolism going.

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Very wrong way of dieting!


Why? At the end of the day, if you've only consumed about 1000 calories, losing weight is inevitable.


I think it's psychological. If you can get past 4pm without eating, when you're not working of course (physical labour will require regular intake of food), then you're sorted.


My grandad had 2 days a week where he would just drink tea. He died at 83 the perfect weight for his height.


Sometimes, fasting is the only real solution. Metabolism schmetabolism.

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