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Pictures of the Arcade that was near Moorhead


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Hodgsons camera shop was also down there. They had a famous annual sale when all the part exchange stuff was sold-off. I remember buying a camera there for sixpence and a case for a penny.

There was also a well-known coffeebar at the bottom.

Wasn't the coffeebar called 'The Copper Coin'

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I thought it lavender but can't be sure, I wouldn't have bought either. Wasn't Suggs at the top corner of the arcade before they moved higher up?

I also recall the barber's shop - whoever the proprietor was - having one of those illuminated striped poles.

Looked on http://www.picturesheffield.com/database but the only arcade mentioned is the Ecclesall Rd. Co-Op. "Union St" - just that!


I remember Cambridge Arcade, and the blind chap. I STR he sold pens, shoelaces, and other sundries.


My family and I came to his aid, some years ago when his wife collapsed whilst out with him, on Winter Street,


I also STR that his hearing was legendary, and that if you were crafty enough to try and put the wrong coins in his cup, for your purchase, his hearing was so acute, that he could tell if you'd short-changed him by the sound of the coins.


wasn't there an SUT coaching - office at the bottom end of the Arcade?

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I remember Cambridge Arcade, and the blind chap. I STR he sold pens, shoelaces, and other sundries.


My family and I came to his aid, some years ago when his wife collapsed whilst out with him, on Winter Street,


I also STR that his hearing was legendary, and that if you were crafty enough to try and put the wrong coins in his cup, for your purchase, his hearing was so acute, that he could tell if you'd short-changed him by the sound of the coins.


wasn't there an SUT coaching - office at the bottom end of the Arcade?


Coach office - Yes, I called it UMS as it was once United Motor Service which later became SUT so we may both be correct?

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Hodgsons camera shop was also down there. They had a famous annual sale when all the part exchange stuff was sold-off. I remember buying a camera there for sixpence and a case for a penny.

There was also a well-known coffeebar at the bottom.


I still own a Yashika Linx 1000 35mm camera (still as good as new)I bought from Hodgsons for, if I remember correctly £36 in the early 1960s

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Can't help you with a picture but remember the arcade. UMS used to have an office down there for coach bookings and the blind man selling lavender used to stand on Pinstone Street. Did Fantham have more than one shop? I recall the one on Division Street. The Union Street entrance came out by a cinema.


The cinema was called "The Union"(oddly enough!).I went there to see Cat Ballou with a boyfriend when I was 16. A long time ago!!

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The cinema was called "The Union"(oddly enough!).I went there to see Cat Ballou with a boyfriend when I was 16. A long time ago!!


Thanks, I did realise shortly afterwards. I am not a film person but went there once to see a film called "McLintock" - which I thought was a biography on the Leicester/Arsenal footballer's career. It turned out to a cowboy and involved fighting in a load of sludge. Made in 1963, which would fit, but what a mistake!

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Barney Goodmans must have become Suggs.I'm sure we used to look at the guns in their windows down the arcade.When did the arcade go? I'm sure I remember Making a pact with a group of friends in the early 70's to meet there on new years eve 1999.I don't know if any of them turned up!


My initial thought was of Suggs, but I visualised it on the opposite side (top side) of the arcade to Goodman's. I seem to remember a side entrance from the arcade. Age plays tricks.......etc. but ?

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The cinema was called "The Union"(oddly enough!).I went there to see Cat Ballou with a boyfriend when I was 16. A long time ago!!


The Palace Union Street, was the correct name.


I can remember there was a jeweller's, but not the name.


Suggs was also in the arcade, when they moved to larger premises I believe that Colonel Sugg, only had the Gunsmith section, not the rest of the shop. He was a nice old chap.

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