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Can i get any help starting a business?


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hehe if i told you that i would have to kill you after :D


I will look into the princes trust but at the min i dont know a thing about opening a shop and i dont have no money all i know is there is a gap in the market for this.

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There are grants and assistance available.


The Princes Trust is one place but you can also try Business Link, Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, or the Federation of Small Businesses.


Business Link is free advice, the Chamber and FSB may charge.


There is also, or was, somewhere on Neepsend that helped with grants, but at the moment I can't think of their name.

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Hi i am on working tax credits as my partner works.

Could i get any help starting a buisines :confused:

any advice apreciated thanks :thumbsup:


Hey, check out my thread:




I would like to export 100 % cotton socks, bedding items, jean pants,small and large towels.Interest to have good business relations with someone who can help me.


I can import all those things from china at great great prices if you are interested.

PM me for more details.

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also you can check out SENTA which is down near Wicker area near where all the car show rooms are.. not sure of the street name...sorry but they helped me set up my business and gave heaps of advice. Look it up on the internet for more info. Good luck.

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