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Can i get any help starting a business?


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Hi i am on working tax credits as my partner works.

Could i get any help starting a buisines :confused:

any advice apreciated thanks :thumbsup:


If you want any help starting in business then why not contact SENTA on 0800 377 7373. Depending on what area you live in you may be able to get some financial assistance from BIG Make it your Business. Speak to Tricia Heckingbottom and she will be able to advise you accordingly and signpost you into other arenas that can help you decide what you would like to do.


Also, you could contact Business Link South Yorkshire, who also offer business counselling to people wanting to start up in business. Good luck:)


Incidentally, if you are unsure which way to go, I would like to offer you a free 30 minute telephone coaching session. Contact me to let me know whether you wish to take up my offer and good luck with your enquiries.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to make it clearer, Business Link South Yorkshire hasn't been 'absorbed'.


BLSY was a Ltd co. owned by the 4 chambers in South YOrkshire but it lost the Y & H Business Link contract in 2008.


A new company (a partnership between Exemplas and Reed in Partnership) formed a new Ltd Company - Y&H IDB Ltd - and won the new contract and took over. Staff were then TUPE'd over.


Business Link Yorkshire is the new trading name and cover all of Yorkshire & Humberside as before but obviously with a new undertaking, new business plan, and so on.

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no, you're never given any cash direct, it's paid to the suppliers.


thing is, funding should ideally be seen as a bonus, because funding on its own can never be enough in most cases to start a full time business. Yo need some decent capital to get going, and some reserves to tide you over for a couple or few months until your income is somewhat reasonably stable.


Relying on only funding to start your business with no other money to hand, and assuming you are out of work and have to give up the dole or leave a job, then that can be dire.


The 'help' usually comes in the form of professional business advice and training. More specific funding is around when you meet criteria and can get a couple or more thousands pounds worth of funding to pay for things. The funding changes, so some of it can be around for a while and some of it is only short lasting.


You basically have to go and see the likes of SENTA and BL to find out what is available. In theory, if they do not know about it, then it does not exist.


Other funding that isn't for start ups but for existing businesses, will also have criteria and may be for very specific sectors such as environment or scientific, or specific things like crime prevention.


There is also the council rent rebate scheme if you have business premises.

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Yes, Indizine - from a technical perpsective that's exactly what happened.


On an "operational" basis, there is no specific Business Link South Yorkshire as the new contrat was awarded on a region wide basis.


And I'd still sugest that: thebigwebsite.org.uk is still a good place to start if you're in Sheffield as the programme brings together mainstream business support with all the additional help available via BiG.

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I will second the motion of visiting the BIG website. I set up an import / export company last year and have had a huge amount of help from them.


Good luck with it all, and feel free to contact us if you are importing / exporting anything we are happy to advice

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